第177章(3 / 3)

"I know that you came in here to-night, all of you, just as you might into a picture-house or a theatre.Entrance free.Well, then, why not? Had we charged half-a-crown there wouldn't have been one of you.Half-a-crown and the most important thing in life.I say the most important--I say the only important thing in life.A man's soul, its history and growth.What do you know of the soul, you ask me? How do you know there is one? Well, I can only tell you my news.

If a man comes into your town and tells you that there is an army marching down upon it to destroy it he may be true or he may not.If he is true then, when you don't listen to him you are doomed.If you do listen the preparation to meet that army will at any rate do you no harm even though the army doesn't exist.""I tell you that the Soul exists, that God exists, and that one day God and the Soul will meet.You say that hasn't been proved, and until it is proved you will spend your time over other things that you know to be true.Try it at least, give it a chance.Why not? You give other things a chance, marriage, doctors, trades, amusements.

Why not the Soul? Don't listen to any one else's definition of religion.Don't believe in it.Make your own.Find out for yourself.