"You think you couldn't make more at the Beach if you ran it on my plan?""I'm game to try," said Sheehan, slowly."I'm too old to hold 'em down out there the way I yoosta could, and I'm sick of it--sick of it into the very bones of me!" He wiped his forehead."Where's Claudine?""Held as a witness.""I'm not sorry fer HER!" said the red-bearded man, emphatically."Women o' that kind are so light-headed it's a wonder they don't float.Think of her pickin' up Cory's gun from the floor and hidin' it in her clothes! Took it fer granted it was Happy's, and thought she'd help him by hidin' it!
There's a hard point fer ye, Joe: to prove the gun belonged to Cory.There's nobody about here could swear to it.I couldn't myself, though Iforced him to stick it back in his pocket yesterday.
He was a wanderer, too; and ye'll have to send a keen one to trace him, I'm thinkin', to find where he got it, so's ye can show it in court.""I'm going myself.I've found out that he came here from Denver.""And from where before that?""I don't know, but I'll keep on travelling till Iget what I want.""That's right, my boy," exclaimed the other, heartily, "It may be a long trip, but ye're all the little man has to depend on.Did ye notice the Tocsin didn't even give him the credit fer givin'
himself up?"
"Yes," said Joe."It's part of their game.""Did it strike ye now," Mr.Sheehan asked, earnestly, leaning forward in his chair,--"did it strike ye that the Tocsin was aimin' more to do Happy harm because of you than himself?""Yes." Joe looked sadly out of the window.