We are willing to help you make it a glean town.

Odervise der fightin' voult go on until der mofement strikes here und all der granks vake up und we git a fool reformer fer Mayor und der town goes to der dogs.If I try to put in a man dot I own, der oder brewery iss goin' to fight like hell, but if I work fer you it will not fight so hart.""But the other people," Joe objected."those outside of what is called the saloon element--do you understand how many of them will be against me?""It iss der tsaloon element," Mr.Farbach returned, peacefully, "dot does der fightin'.""And you have considered my standing with that part of Canaan which considers itself the most respectable section?" He rose to his feet, standing straight and quiet, facing the table, upon which, it chanced, there lay a copy of the Tocsin.

"Und yet," observed Mr.Farbach, with mildness, "we got some pooty risbecdable men right here.""Except me," broke in Mr.Sheehan, grimly, "you have.""Have you thought of this?" Joe leaned forward and touched the paper upon the table.

"We hef," replied Mr.Farbach."All of us.

You shall beat it,"

There was a strong chorus of confirmation from the others, and Joe's eyes flashed.

"Have you considered," he continued, rapidly, while a warm color began to conquer his pallor,--"have you considered the powerful influence which will be against me, and more against me now, Ishould tell you, than ever before? That influence, I mean, which is striving so hard to discredit me that lynch-law has been hinted for poor Fear if Ishould clear him! Have you thought of that?

Have you thought--"