Mrs.Flitcroft, at breakfast on the following morning, continued a disquisition which had ceased, the previous night, only because of a provoking human incapacity to exist without sleep.Her theme was one which had exclusively occupied her since the passing of Eskew, and, her rheumatism having improved so that she could leave her chair, she had become a sort of walking serial; Norbert and his grandfather being well assured that, whenever they left the house, the same story was to be continued upon their reappearance.The Tocsin had been her great comfort: she was but one helpless woman against two strong men; therefore she sorely needed assistance in her attack upon them, and the invaluable newspaper gave it in generous measure.
"Yes, young man," she said, as she lifted her first spoonful of oatmeal, "you BETTER read the Tocsin!""I AM reading it," responded Norbert, who was almost concealed by the paper.
"And your grandfather better read it!" she continued, severely.
"I already have," said the Colonel, promptly.
"Have you?"
"No, but you can be sure I will!" The good lady gave the effect of tossing her head."And you better take what it says to heart, you and some others.It's a wonder to me that you and Buckalew and old Peter don't go and hold that Happy Fear's hand durin' the trial! And as for Joe Louden, his step-mother's own sister, Jane, says to me only yesterday afternoon, `Why, law!
Mrs.Flitcroft,' she says, `it's a wonder to me,'
she says, `that your husband and those two other old fools don't lay down in the gutter and let that Joe Louden walk over 'em.' ""Did Jane Quimby say `those two other old fools'?" inquired the Colonel, in a manner which indicated that he might see Mr.Quimby in regard to the slander.
"I can't say as I remember just precisely her exact words," admitted Mrs.Flitcroft, "but that was the sense of 'em! You've made yourselves the laughin'-stock of the whole town!""Oh, we have?""And I'd like to know"--her voice became shrill and goading--"I'd like to know what Judge Pike thinks of you and Norbert! I should think you'd be ashamed to have him pass you in the street.""I've quit speaking to him," said Norbert, coldly, "ever since I heard he owned Beaver Beach.""That story ain't proved yet!" returned his grandmother, with much irascibility.