"Indeed I will!" the old lady replied."Do you think I don't know sarcasm when I see it? Ha, ha!" She laughed with great heartiness."Ireckon I WILL go on! You listen and try to LEARNsomething from it!" She resumed the reading:
"`It is generally admitted that after yesterday's sitting of the court, the prosecution in the Fear-Cory murder trial has not a leg to stand on.Louden's fight for his client has been, it must be confessed, of a most splendid and talented order, and the bottom has fallen out of the case for the State, while a verdict of Not Guilty, it is now conceded, is the general wish of those who have attended and followed the trial.But the most interesting event of the day took place after the session, when some miscreants undertook to mob the attorney for the defence in the Court-house yard.He met the attack with a coolness and nerve which have won him a popularity that--' " Mrs.Flitcroft again faltered.
"Go on," repeated the Colonel."There's a great deal more.""Look at the editorials," suggested Norbert.
"There's one on the same subject."
Mrs.Flitcroft, her theory of the Tocsin's sarcasm somewhat shaken, turned the page."We Confess a Mistake" was the rubric above the leader, and she uttered a cry of triumph, for she thought the mistake was what she had just been reading, and that the editorial would apologize for the incomprehensible journalistic error upon the first page.