She nodded decisively."From this instant.
Before morning."
"Oh, well, I'll go down there and give the word."He rubbed his eyes wearily with big thumbs.
"I'm through fighting.I'm done.Besides, what's the use? There's nothing more to fight.""Now, Judge," Joe said, as he came in briskly, "we'll go over the list of that unencumbered property, if you will."This unencumbered property consisted of Beaver Beach and those other belongings of the Judge which he had not dared to mortgage.Joe had somehow explained their nature to Ariel, and these with the Tocsin she had elected to accept in restitution.
"You told me once that I ought to look after my own property, and now I will.Don't you see?"she cried to Joe, eagerly."It's my work!" She resolutely set aside every other proposition; and this was the quality of mercy which Martin Pike found that night.