What I really thought was that we both had had just about enough of it.The manner in which the great West Wind chooses at times to administer his possessions does not commend itself to a person of peaceful and law-abiding disposition, inclined to draw distinctions between right and wrong in the face of natural forces, whose standard, naturally, is that of might alone.But, of course, Isaid nothing.For a man caught, as it were, between his skipper and the great West Wind silence is the safest sort of diplomacy.
Moreover, I knew my skipper.He did not want to know what Ithought.Shipmasters hanging on a breath before the thrones of the winds ruling the seas have their psychology, whose workings are as important to the ship and those on board of her as the changing moods of the weather.The man, as a matter of fact, under no circumstances, ever cared a brass farthing for what I or anybody else in his ship thought.He had had just about enough of it, Iguessed, and what he was at really was a process of fishing for a suggestion.It was the pride of his life that he had never wasted a chance, no matter how boisterous, threatening, and dangerous, of a fair wind.Like men racing blindfold for a gap in a hedge, we were finishing a splendidly quick passage from the Antipodes, with a tremendous rush for the Channel in as thick a weather as any Ican remember, but his psychology did not permit him to bring the ship to with a fair wind blowing - at least not on his own initiative.And yet he felt that very soon indeed something would have to be done.He wanted the suggestion to come from me, so that later on, when the trouble was over, he could argue this point with his own uncompromising spirit, laying the blame upon my shoulders.