The night came at length, and, under a deep-blue sky fast whitening with thick stars, Israel passed unknown through the Moorish gate, which was still open, and down the narrow lane to the market square.
At the gate of the Mellah, which was closed, he knocked, and demanded entrance in the name of the Kaid.The Moorish guards who kept it fell back at sight of him with looks of consternation.
"Israel!" cried one.and dropped his lantern.
Israel whispered, "Keep your tongue between your teeth!" and hurried on.
At the door of his own house, which was also closed, he knocked again, but more fearfully.The black woman Habeebah opened it cautiously, and, seeing his jellab, she clashed it back in his face.
"Habeebah!" he cried, and he knocked once more.
Then Ali came to the door."What Moorish man are you?" cried Ali, pushing him back as he pressed forward.
"Ali! Hush! It is I--Israel."
Then Ali knew him and cried, "God save us! What has happened?""What has happened here?" said Israel."Naomi," he faltered, "what of her?""Then you have heard?" said Ali."Thank God, she is now well."Israel laughed--his laugh was like a scream.
"More than that--a strange thing has befallen her since you went away,"said Ali.
"She can hear"
"It's a lie!" cried Israel, and he raised his hand and struck Ali to the floor.But at the next minute he was lifting him up and sobbing and saying, "Forgive me, my brave boy.I was mad, my son;I did not know what I was doing.But do not torture me.
If what you tell me is true, there is no man so happy under heaven;but if it is false, there is no fiend in hell need envy me."And Ali answered through his tears, "It is true, my father--come and see."