第39章(2 / 3)

It was at this great moment that Israel, returning from his journey in the jellab of a Moor, knocked like a stranger at his outer door.

When he entered the chamber, still clad as a torn and ragged man, too eager to remove the sorry garments which had been given to him on the way, Naomi was resting against the pillar of the bed.

He saw that her countenance was changed, and that every feature of her face seemed to listen.No longer was it as the face of a lamb that is simple and content, neither was it as the face of a child that is peaceful and happy; but it was hot and perplexed.Fear sat on her face, and wonder and questioning; and as Fatimah stood by her side, speaking tender words to comfort her, no cheer did she seem to get from them, but only dread, for she drew away from her when she spoke, as though the sound of the voice smote her ears with terror of trouble.All this Israel saw on the instant, and then his sight grew dim, his heart beat as if it would kill him, a thick mist seemed to cover everything, and through the dense waves of semi-consciousness he heard the dull hum of Fatimah's muffled voice coming to him as from far away.

"My pretty Naomi! My little heart! My sweet jewel of gold and silver!

It is nothing! Nothing! Look! See! Her father has come back!

Her dear father has come back to her!"

Presently the room ceased to go round and round, and Israel knew that Naomi's arms surrounded him, that his own arms enlaced her, and that her head was pressed hard against his bosom.Yes, it was she!

It was Naomi! Ali had told him truth.She lived! She was well!

She could hear! The old hope that had chirped in his soul was justified, and the dear delicious dream was come true.Oh! God was great, God was good, God had given him more than he had asked or deserved!

Thus for some minutes he stood motionless, blessing the God of Jacob, yet uttering no words, for his heart was too full for speech, only holding Naomi closely to him, while his tears fell on her blind face.