(3)Can Mental Illness Inherit?
It is rare to find a chatterbox1 among the Amish of Lancaster County,Pa.Rarer still is a flamboyant personality,a braggart,a show off or,at the other extreme,someone who is deeply depressed or suicidal.In this community of quiet-spoken,humble pacifists,such behavior"really stands out against the social landscape,"observes Medical Sociologist Janice Egeland,who has spent more than 25 years among the Old Order Amish,as the group is formally known.When it does occur,the Amish often have an explanation:"This is inherited",they say;the peculiar behavior is"in the blood."
Last week Egeland,who is from the University Of Miami School Of Medicine,and a group of scientists at Yale and M.I.T.confirmed that traditional Amish explanation.By employing the tools of molecular biology along with the handwritten genealogical records of Amish families they showed that the mental disorder known as manic depression2is indeed at least partly a matter of bloodlines.
Usually beginning somewhere between the ages of 15 and 35,manic depression afflicts about 1 in every 100 people.Because it causes its victims to oscillate between two extreme emotional states,it is also known to psychiatrists as bipolar affective disorder.In the manic phase,victims become expansive and extravagant,are often unable to sleep or eat,and may talk incessantly.Some assume airs of grandeur.Thedepressivephase plunges them into hopelessness,loneliness and boundless guilt,feelings that sometimes lead to suicide.