These two years and three months were the most active ones which I ever spent, though I was occasionally unwell, and so lost some time.After going backwards and forwards several times between Shrewsbury, Maer, Cambridge, and London, I settled in lodgings at Cambridge (In Fitzwilliam Street.) on December 13th, where all my collections were under the care of Henslow.I stayed here three months, and got my minerals and rocks examined by the aid of Professor Miller.

I began preparing my 'Journal of Travels,' which was not hard work, as my MS.Journal had been written with care, and my chief labour was making an abstract of my more interesting scientific results.I sent also, at the request of Lyell, a short account of my observations on the elevation of the coast of Chile to the Geological Society.('Geolog.Soc.Proc.ii.1838, pages 446- 449.)On March 7th, 1837, I took lodgings in Great Marlborough Street in London, and remained there for nearly two years, until I was married.During these two years I finished my Journal, read several papers beforethe Geological Society, began preparing the MS.for my 'Geological Observations,' and arranged for the publication of the 'Zoology of the Voyage of the "Beagle".' In July I opened my first note-book for facts in relation to the Origin of Species, about which I had long reflected, and never ceased working for the next twenty years.

During these two years I also went a little into society, and acted as one of the honorary secretaries of the Geological Society.I saw a great deal of Lyell.One of his chief characteristics was his sympathy with the work of others, and I was as much astonished as delighted at the interest which he showed when, on my return to England, I explained to him my views on coral reefs.This encouraged me greatly, and his advice and example had much influence on me.During this time I saw also a good deal of Robert Brown; I used often to call and sit with him during his breakfast on Sunday mornings, and he poured forth a rich treasure of curious observations and acute remarks, but they almost always related to minute points, and he never with me discussed large or general questions in science.