It has sometimes been said that the success of the 'Origin' proved "that the subject was in the air," or "that men's minds were prepared for it." I do not think that this is strictly true, for I occasionally sounded not a fewnaturalists, and never happened to come across a single one who seemed to doubt about the permanence of species.Even Lyell and Hooker, though they would listen with interest to me, never seemed to agree.I tried once or twice to explain to able men what I meant by Natural Selection, but signally failed.What I believe was strictly true is that innumerable well-observed facts were stored in the minds of naturalists ready to take their proper places as soon as any theory which would receive them was sufficiently explained.Another element in the success of the book was its moderate size; and this I owe to the appearance of Mr.Wallace's essay; had I published on the scale in which I began to write in 1856, the book would have been four or five times as large as the 'Origin,' and very few would have had the patience to read it.

I gained much by my delay in publishing from about 1839, when the theory was clearly conceived, to 1859; and I lost nothing by it, for I cared very little whether men attributed most originality to me or Wallace; and his essay no doubt aided in the reception of the theory.I was forestalled in only one important point, which my vanity has always made me regret, namely, the explanation by means of the Glacial period of the presence of the same species of plants and of some few animals on distant mountain summits and in the arctic regions.This view pleased me so much that I wrote it out in extenso, and I believe that it was read by Hooker some years before E.Forbes published his celebrated memoir ('Geolog.Survey Mem.,' 1846.) on the subject.In the very few points in which we differed, I still think that I was in the right.I have never, of course, alluded in print to my having independently worked out this view.