第三章 兩河文明——美麗的“伊甸園”(2 / 3)



2.The Son of the Sea—The Phoenician Civilization 海之驕子—腓尼基文明

Making People Both Love and Hate of the Seafaring People 讓人既愛又恨的航海民族

The Phoenicians,who were the neighbours of the Jews,were a Semitic[1]tribe which at a very early age had settled along the shores of the Mediterranean.They had built themselves two well-fortified towns,Tyre and Sidon,and within a short time they had gained a monopoly of the trade of the western seas.Their ships went regularly to Greece and ltaly and Spain and they even ventured beyond the straits of Gibraltar to visit the Stilly islands where they could buy tin.Wherever they went,they built themselves small trading stations,which they called colonies.Many of these were the origin of modern cities,such as Cadiz and Marseilles.

They traded everything which could bring them a good profit.They were not troubled by a conscience[2].If their neighbours weren\\u0027t pompous,they did not know what was the means of honesty and integrity.They regarded a well-filled treasure chest as the highest ideal of all good citizens.Indeed they were very unpleasant people and did not have a single friend.Nevertheless they were rendered all coming generations’one service of the greatest possible value.They gave us alphabet[3].



The Origin of Modern Alphabet—Phoenician Alphabet 現代字母的起源——腓尼基字母

The Phoenicians had been familiar with the art of writing,invented by the Sumerians.But they regarded these pothooks as a clumsy waste of time.They were practical business men and could not spend hours engraving two or three letters.They set to work and invented a new system of writing which was greatly superior to the old one.They borrowed a few pictures from the Egyptians and simplified a number of thewedge-shapedfigures of the Sumerians.They sacrificed the pretty looks of the older system for the advantage of speed and they reduced the thousands of different images to a short and handy alphabet of twenty-two letters.Later on,this alphabets traveled across the Aegean Sea and entered Greece.The Greeks added a few letters of their own and carried the improved system to ltaly.The Romans modified thefigures and taught them to the wild barbarians of Western Europe.


[1]Semitic adj.閃米特(尤指猶太)人的;閃語族(包括希伯來語、阿拉伯語)的

[2]conscience n.良心

[3]alphabet n.字母表

3.Solomon\\u0027s Treasure—Ancient lsrael 所羅門的寶藏—古代以色列

Divided Kingdom 分裂的王國

Kingdom of Judah is considered to be in the south of the eastern Mediterranean countries in the lron Age.But,there isn\\u0027t definite answer to Jewish problems.It is generally believed that Jewish history began in 2000 BC,there are ancestor Abraham,his son lsaac and his grandson Jacob.A country-wide famine forced Jacob and his sons,the ancestors of lsrael,twelve tribes moved to Egypt,where their descendants become slaves.Several centuries later,Moses rate people out of Egypt,from slavery to freedom,and ultimately returns to the Land of lsrael.They wander on the Sinai desert for 40 years,where they form a nation,and received the Ten Commandments[1],including the Law of Moses,their ancestor who founded monotheism begin to take shape.

In 1028 BC,Saul establishes a monarchy;his successor,Davidin unites the tribe and takes its capital in Jerusalem,in 1000 BC.David\\u0027s son Solomon makes the kingdom to become a prosperity[2]commercial power country,and construct lsrael\\u0027s monotheistic religions in Jerusalem Temple.

After Solomon passed away,the country split into Northern and Southern Dynasties:one is the Kingdom of lsrael,its capital is Samaria.The other is Jewish kingdom,its capital is Jerusalem.Historians usually refer to the southern Jewish kingdom as ancient lsrael.Two kingdoms exist for two centuries,ruled by the Jewish kings,and prophets warned the people by social justice and compliance with the law.ln 722 BC,the Assyrians invaded and occupied by the Kingdom of lsrael,its people are forced to exile(called the“lost ten tribes”).In 586 BC,the Jewish kingdom was conquered by Babylon,the invaders destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem,and most of the Jews exiled to Babylon.

In 539 BC,the Persians conquered the Babylonian empire,after many Jews returned Judah(the Land of lsrael),and rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem,the way of life of the Jews in the Land restored.After four centuries,Persians and Jews,who under the rule of the ancient Greeks,enjoyed a large degree of autonomy.As the Serbian dynasty of Syria imposed a series of measures to prohibit the Jewish religion,led to the uprising outbreak,which led by the Maccabees(Hasmonean people)in 168 BC,then established an independent Jewish kingdom which lasted about 80 years and reigned by Jewish kings of Hasmonean dynasty.
