第55章 主要參考文獻(4)(1 / 3)

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[308]Peter B.R.Hazell.The appropriate role of agricultural insurance in developing countries.Journal of International Development,Volume 4,Issue 6,Date:November/December 1992,Pages:567-581.

[309]Paul Mosley&R.Krisshnamurthy,Can Crop Insurance Work?The case of India,The Journal of Development Studies,Vol.31,No.3,February 1995,p428-450,Published by frank cass,London.

[310]Soule,M.W.Nimon,and D.Mullarkey.Risk Management and Environmental Outcomes:Framing the Issues.Paper presented at the USDA/Economic Research Service workshop titled“Crop Insurance,Land Use,and the Environment,”Washington,DC,20-22September 2000.

[311]Wright,B.D.&J.D.Hewitt.All Risk Crop Insurance:Lessons From Theory and Experience.Giannini Foundation,California Agricultural Experiment Station,Berkeley,1990,April.

[312]Pramod K.Mishra.Crop insurance and crop credit:Impact of the comprehensive crop insurance scheme on cooperative credit in Gujarat.Journal of International Development,Volume 6,Issue 5,Date:September/October 1994,Pages:529-567.

[313]Gunnar Breustedt,Raushan Bokusheva,Olaf Heidelbach.Evaluating the Potential of Index Insurance Schemes to Reduce Crop Yield Risk in an Arid Region,Journal of Agricultural Economics,Volume 59,Issue 2,Date:June 2008,Pages:312-328.

[314]Robert Innes.Crop Insurance in a Political Economy:An Alternative Perspective on Agricultural Policy.American Journal of Agricultural Economics,Volume 85,Issue 2,Date:May 2003,Pages:318-335.