“But something has got to be arranged! We’ve all got our work to return to, and our friends and relatives will be worrying about us. We simply must return. We’re obliged to you for receiving us like this, but we really can’t slack about here doing nothing. If it’s at all feasible, we should like to set out not later than to-morrow. I expect there are a good many of your people who would volunteer to escort us – we should make it well worth their while, of course.”
Mallinson ended nervously, as if he had hoped to be answered before saying so much; but he could extract from Chang no more than a quiet and almost reproachful: “But all this, you know, is scarcely in my province.”
“Isn’t it? Well, perhaps you can do something, at any rate. If you could get us a large-scale map of the country, it would help. It looks as if we shall have a long journey, and that’s all the more reason for making an early start. You have maps, I suppose?”
“Yes, we have a great many.”
“We’ll borrow some of them, then, if you don’t mind. We can return them to you afterwards. I suppose you must have communications with the outer world from time to time. And it would be a good idea to send messages ahead, also, to reassure our friends. How far away is the nearest telegraph line?”
Chang’s wrinkled face seemed to have acquired a look of infinite patience, but he did not reply.
Mallinson waited a moment and then continued: “Well, where do you send to when you want anything? Anything civilized, I mean.” A touch of scaredness began to appear in his eyes and voice. Suddenly he thrust back his chair and stood up. He was pale, and passed his hand wearily across his forehead. “I’m so tired,” he stammered, glancing round the room. “I don’t feel that any of you are really trying to help me. I’m only asking a simple question. It’s obvious you must know the answer to it. When you had all these modern baths installed, how did they get here?”
There followed another silence.
“You won’t tell me, then? It’s part of the mystery of everything else, I suppose. Conway, I must say I think you’re damned slack. Why don’t you get at the truth? I’m all in, for the time being – but – to-morrow, mind – we must get away to-morrow – it’s essential – ”
He would have slid to the floor had not Conway caught him and helped him to a chair. Then he recovered a little, but did not speak.
“To-morrow he will be much better,” said Chang gently. “The air here is difficult for the stranger at first, but one soon becomes acclimatized.”
Conway felt himself waking from a trance. “Things have been a little trying for him,” he commented with rather rueful mildness. He added, more briskly: “I expect we’re all feeling it somewhat. I think we’d better adjourn this discussion and go to bed. Barnard, will you look after Mallinson? And I’m sure you’re in need of sleep too, Miss Brinklow.” There had been some signal given, for at that moment a servant appeared. “Yes, we’ll get along – good night – good night – I shall soon follow.” He almost pushed them out of the room, and then, with a scantness of ceremony that was in marked contrast with his earlier manner, turned to his host. Mallinson’s reproach had spurred him.
“Now, sir, I don’t want to detain you long, so I’d better come to the point. My friend is impetuous, but I don’t blame him, he’s quite right to make things clear. Our return journey has to be arranged, and we can’t do it without help from you or from others in this place. Of course, I realize that leaving to-morrow is impossible, and for my own part I hope to find a minimum stay quite interesting. But that, perhaps, is not the attitude of my companions. So if it’s true, as you say, that you can do nothing for us yourself, please put us in touch with someone else who can.”
The Chinese answered: “You are wiser than your friends, my dear sir, and therefore you are less impatient. I am glad.”
“That’s not an answer.”
Chang began to laugh, a jerky high-pitched chuckle so obviously forced that Conway recognized in it the polite pretense of seeing an imaginary joke with which the Chinese “saves face” at awkward moments. “I feel sure you have no cause to worry about the matter,” came the reply, after an interval. “No doubt in due course we shall be able to give you all the help you need. There are difficulties, as you can imagine, but if we all approach the problem sensibly, and without undue haste – ”