“You found it out on your own?” asked Conway.

“Well, I won’t say that, but I made my guess, and then I put the matter to Chang – straight, mind you, as man to man. And believe me, Conway, that Chink’s not as bad a fellow as we might have thought.”

“Personally, I never thought him a bad fellow at all.”

“Of course, I know you always took to him, so you won’t be surprised at the way we got on together. We certainly did hit it famously. He showed me all over the workings, and it may interest you to know that I’ve got the full permission of the authorities to prospect in the valley as much as I like and make a comprehensive report. What d’you think of that, my lad? They seemed quite glad to have the services of an expert, especially when I said I could probably give ’em tips on how to increase output.”

“I can see you’re going to be altogether at home here,” said Conway.

“Well, I must say I’ve found a job, and that’s something. And you never know how a thing’ll turn out in the end. Maybe the folks at home won’t be so keen to jail me when they know I can show ’em the way to a new gold mine. The only difficulty is – would they take my word about it?”

“They might. It’s extraordinary what people will believe.”

Barnard nodded with enthusiasm. “Glad you get the point, Conway. And that’s where you and I can make a deal. We’ll go fifty-fifty in everything of course. All you’ve gotter do is to put your name to my report – British Consul, you know, and all that. It’ll carry weight.”

Conway laughed. “We’ll have to see about it. Make your report first.”

It amused him to contemplate a possibility so unlikely to happen, and at the same time he was glad that Barnard had found something that yielded such immediate comfort.

So also was the High Lama, whom Conway began to see more and more frequently. He often visited him in the late evening and stayed for many hours, long after the servants had taken away the last bowls of tea and had been dismissed for the night. The High Lama never failed to ask him about the progress and welfare of his three companions, and once he enquired particularly as to the kind of careers that their arrival at Shangri-La had so inevitably interrupted.

Conway answered reflectively: “Mallinson might have done quite well in his own line – he’s energetic and has ambitions. The two others –” He shrugged his shoulders. “As a matter of fact, it happens to suit them both to stay here – for a while, at any rate.”

He noticed a flicker of light at the curtained window; there had been mutterings of thunder as he crossed the courtyard on his way to the now familiar room. No sound could be heard, and the heavy tapestries subdued the lightning into mere sparks of pallor.

“Yes,” came the reply, “we have done our best to make both of them feel at home. Miss Brinklow wishes to convert us, and Mr. Barnard would also like to convert us – into a limited liability company. Harmless projects – they will pass the time quite pleasantly for them. But your young friend, to whom neither gold nor religion can offer solace, how about him?”

“Yes, he’s going to be the problem.”

“I am afraid he is going to be your problem.”

“Why mine?”

There was no immediate answer, for the tea-bowls were introduced at that moment, and with their appearance the High Lama rallied a faint and desiccated hospitality. “Karakal sends us storms at this time of the year,” he remarked, feathering the conversation according to ritual. “The people of Blue Moon believe they are caused by demons raging in the great space beyond the pass. The ‘outside,’ they call it – perhaps you are aware that in their patois the word is used for the entire rest of the world. Of course they know nothing of such countries as France or England or even India – they imagine the dread altiplano stretching, as it almost does, illimitably. To them, so snug at their warm and windless levels, it appears unthinkable that anyone inside the valley should ever wish to leave it; indeed, they picture all unfortunate ‘outsiders’ as passionately desiring to enter. It is just a question of viewpoint, is it not?”

Conway was reminded of Barnard’s somewhat similar remarks, and quoted them. “How very sensible!” was the High Lama’s comment. “And he is our first American, too – we are truly fortunate.”

Conway found it piquant to reflect that the lamasery’s fortune was to have acquired a man for whom the police of a dozen countries were actively searching; and he would have liked to share the piquancy but for feeling that Barnard had better be left to tell his own story in due course. He said: “Doubtless he’s quite right, and there are many people in the world nowadays who would be glad enough to be here.”

“Too many, my dear Conway. We are a single lifeboat riding the seas in a gale; we can take a few chance survivors, but if all the shipwrecked were to reach us and clamber aboard we should go down ourselves… But let us not think of it just now. I hear that you have been associating with our excellent Briac. A delightful fellow countryman of mine, though I do not share his opinion that Chopin is the greatest of all composers. For myself, as you know, I prefer Mozart…”

Not till the tea bowls were removed and the servant had been finally dismissed did Conway venture to recall the unanswered question. “We were discussing Mallinson, and you said he was going to be my problem. Why mine, particularly?”

Then the High Lama replied very simply: “Because, my son, I am going to die.”

It seemed an extraordinary statement, and for a time Conway was speechless after it. Eventually the High Lama continued: “You are surprised? But surely, my friend, we are all mortal – even at Shangri-La. And it is possible that I may still have a few moments left to me – or even, for that matter, a few years. All I announce is the simple truth that already I see the end. It is charming of you to appear so concerned, and I will not pretend that there is not a touch of wistfulness, even at my age, in contemplating death. Fortunately little is left of me that can die physically, and as for the rest, all our religions display a pleasant unanimity of optimism. I am quite content, but I must accustom myself to a strange sensation during the hours that remain – I must realize that I have time for only one thing more. Can you imagine what that is?”