正文 第44章 Semetei, Son of Manas...(3)(3 / 3)

However, Bakai saw through Jakip’s sinister trick pretty soon. He eavesdropped on the conservation on how to kill Semetei between Jakip and others. Bakai informed the young hero of the upcoming danger and recommended maintaining sharp vigilance against Jakip.

Jakip pretended to be wild with joy while leading his grandson into the palace. He ordered Bakdowlet to serve up a bowl of poisonous wine shortly after sitting down. Sympathetic with the young hero who was inflicted with so many sufferings, Bakdowlet refused to obey the order of Jakip. Jakip flared up on seeing how reluctant the woman was in obeying his order. Jakip kept hurling insults at the woman and then gave her a kick. In addition, Jakip set a bowl of poisonous wine into the hands of his grandson by himself.

Legend of Manas

Meanwhile, Jakip urged the young hero to go ahead with the wine, as was his unique way of welcoming the long-lost grandson coming from afar. He also promised to help Semetei mount the throne on the next day if the young hero drank the wine.

However, the young hero respectfully declined the so-called “good-will invitation” at the beginning. “In terms of Kyrgyz people’s customs, it is impolite for a grandson to drink the wine first in front of a grandfather. As my grandfather, you should sip the wine first,” said Semetei.