theurgy. Before the battle kicked off, Kyiaz already got a wild goat to be
possessed with his spirit and wrapped his body with six layers of sheet iron by
means of performing spells. Naturally, the spearhead bounced from inside his
flesh all at once. The intense fight lasted for two days and neither could win.
In order to wipe the floor with Kulchoro, Kyiaz took out a long spear from
behind his back which was the war trophy of his father during the expedition
to Russia in the past. With the help of the long spear, Kyiaz began to gain the
upper hand in fight.
While fighting with Kyiaz, Kulchoro kept praying to the souls of Manas
and other dead warriors in the depth of his heart. He wished the souls of
them would help him get out of the predicament. All of a sudden, the souls of
Manas and the whole constellation of other valiant martyrs came into being
above the mountain top. After seeing such a spectacular sight, Kulchoro felt
he had been invigorated once again. The desire of winning the battle came
over him once again.
However, Kulchoro spared no effort in urging Kyiaz to put down his arms
and repent sincerely.
Unfortunately, Kyiaz considered what the dauntless warrior said to be
bullshit. Besides, he repeatedly thrust his spear at Kulchoro.
The dauntless warrior was completely disappointed with Kyiaz. He
mustered up his courage once again, jumping on Kyiaz and shouting the