正文 第71章 Lion King Rescues Mother...(1)(1 / 3)

Lion King Rescues Mother from Hell and Rongcha Chageng Passes Away

Gesar soon returned to Ling. He was warmly received by numerous heroes and common people all led by Prince Zhalha. However, Ngada Namo didn’t appear to welcome him. Gesar was very surprised by this and couldn’t help asking Zhalha why Ngada Namo didn’t come to welcome him back. Before Zhalha could reply, Rongcha Chageng called all the guests to a banquet for a huge celebration.

Immediately, a sumptuous banquet was ready. All the tables were loaded with alcohol, meat, cream and butter, snacks, honey and zanba (roasted highland barley flour).

Gesar enthusiastically showed all the heroes to their seats. Then he told everyone that by his efforts Prince Zhalha was successfully allied by marriage to Princess Ngaman of the State of Rong. Zhalha was very excited to hear this news and thanked Gesar for his efforts.

The heroes of the State of Ling presented their gifts to Zhalha in turn. Aunts and sisters-in-law offered white hada scarves and exotic turquoises to Ngaman. They wished her happiness for ever and good health. They also wished her and the prince a long and happy married life. For the occasion of the marriage of Prince Zhalha, the State of Ling held grand celebrations nationwide for 13 days.

Eventually, Gesar got the sad news that Ngada Namo had died. When Gesar went to Gyayo for three months, Ngada Namo fell ill. Later, Ngada Namo felt she was dying. She summoned the ministers to her and told them seriously what they should do after her death: “In the evil places, please hold up daggers and lances together as the enemies come. Please help out friends by sharing property and goods. Please cherish a common feeling of hatred for the enemy. Please share wealth, good times and sorrow together.”

Just as Ngada Namo stopped speaking, she passed away. After 49 days, her soul came to the entrance of the Shashan Mountains which was vital to her life after death. She was led to Yama by a ghost. Yama saw Ngada Namo was out of the ordinary and shortly he said:

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