And yet,reforms did occur. America changed. The changesdidn"t come easily. Every positive step was met with determinedresistance. But we became better and stronger because we weredetermined to change.
When I graduated college I would not have believed that in mylifetime women would gain rights over their own bodies,includingthe legal right to have an abortion. Or women would become chiefexecutives of major corporations,secretaries of state,contendersfor the presidency. Or they"d outnumber men in college.
I would not have imagined that eleven states would allow gaysand lesbians to marry,and a majority of Americans would supportequal marriage rights.
Or that the nation would have a large and growing black middle class.
It would have seemed beyond possibility that a black man,thechild of an interracial couple,would become President of the United States.
I would not have predicted that the rate of college enrollmentamong Hispanics would exceed that of whites.
Or that more than 80 percent of Americans would have healthinsurance,most of it through government.
I wouldn"t have foreseen that the Cuyahoga River—the one thatused to catch fire regularly—would come to support 44 species offish. And that over half our rivers and 70 percent of bays andestuaries would become safe for swimming and fishing.
I would not have believed our nation capable of so much positivechange.
Yet we achieved it. And we have just begun. Wideninginequality,a shrinking middle class,global warming,the corruptionof our democracy by big money-all of these,and more,must beaddressed. To make progress on.