Indeed, as long as you believe that time is money, you will spend money all the time. Time is not money. Time is free. You have all the time in the world.
第一章 Conjuring with Grapes (1) (3)
Instead of buying a plane ticket, catch a ride out West, or remodel an old sailboat, or just hop on your bike and ride away from town. The slower you travel, the less money you will spend.
4. Leave Your Possessions and Obsessions Behind
When you travel, you don’t need to pay rent. You don’t need a car. You don’t need an oven, a washer-dryer, electricity, Cable TV, a gym membership, a sofa and loveseat or a closet full of clothes. You don’t need a suit and tie to wear to your job because you don’t need a job. You don’t need to worry about paying the bills, because there are no bills to pay.
You are free.
5. Trust People and you will Receive Free Food and Lodging
Many people are willing to open their homes to travelers, and they will give you a free meal, too.
CouchSurfing and WWOOF are two phenomenal online networks that help travelers connect with local hosts. CouchSurfing members are willing to give travelers a place to sleep for a night or two. WWOOF connects travelers with organic farmers who want to trade room and board for an extra hand.
6. Learn a Useful Craft or Skill