正文 第82章 CHAPTER XXXIII THE END(1)(1 / 3)

He reached his rooms at midnight so exhausted that, without waiting to light up, he dropped into a chair. The curtains and blinds had been removed for cleaning, and the tall windows admitted the night's staring gaze. Shelton fixed his eyes on that outside darkness, as one lost man might fix his eyes upon another.

An unaired, dusty odour clung about the room, but, like some God-sent whiff of grass or flowers wafted to one sometimes in the streets, a perfume came to him, the spice from the withered clove carnation still clinging, to his button-hole; and he suddenly awoke from his. queer trance. There was a decision to be made. He rose to light a candle; the dust was thick on everything he touched. "Ugh!" he thought, "how wretched!" and the loneliness that had seized him on the stone seat at Holm Oaks the day before returned with fearful force.

On his table, heaped without order, were a pile of bills and circulars. He opened them, tearing at their covers with the random haste of men back from their holidays. A single long envelope was placed apart.

MY DEAR DICK [he read], I enclose you herewith the revised draft of your marriage settlement.

It is now shipshape. Return it before the end of the week, and Iwill have it engrossed for signature. I go to Scotland next Wednesday for a month; shall be back in good time for your wedding.

My love to your mother when you see her.

Your-affectionate uncle, EDMUND PARAMOR.