Defining literature is a question that different people look at it in different ways and have differentviews. The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary published in our country defines literature as art of reflectingthe objective reality through images by the use of written languages, including drama, poem, novel, prose,etc. A Dictionary of Literary Terms published in Great Britain gives literature the definition: A vague termwhich usually denotes works which belong to the major genres: epic, drama, lyric, novel, short story, ode, etc.
If we describe something as“literature”, as opposed to anything else, the term carries with it qualitativeconnotations which imply that the work in discussed has superior qualities; that it is well above the ordinaryrun of written works. However, there are many works which cannot be classified in the main literary genreswhich nevertheless may be regarded as literature by virtue of the excellence of their writing, their originalityand their general aesthetic and artistic merits. For instance, scientist Darwin’s On the Origin of Species,historian J.B. Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, etc. The definition of literature given byThe American College Dictionary is that“writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideasof permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, romance, history,biography, essays, etc.”It is the entire body of writings of a specific language, period, people, subject, etc.:
the literature of England. The New Oxford Dictionary of English defines literature as“written works,especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit”.
2.The features of literature
By reading literary works and analyzing the definitions of literature mentioned above, we’ve come to seethe common features of different national literatures as follows.
2.1 文學是語言的藝術
2.1 Literature is the artistic use of language
Authors of literary works make use of language artistically. Most importantly, literary languageemphasizes connotative rather than denotative meanings of words. Unlike scientific language which mainlyemphasizes the denotative value of language, writers of literature use language in a more subtle manner—to bring into full play all the emotional associations that words may carry. A good case in point is the wordmother, whose denotation is simply the female parent, but the connotation may include such meanings asprotection, warmth, care, love, devotion, home, and a happy memory of one’s childhood. Thus, literature is theart of words, i.e. the artistic use of language.
2.2 文學是一種藝術
2.2 Literature is an art
Literature is an“art of reflecting the objective reality through images by the use of written languages”.
The literary work is a linguistic event which projects a fictional world that includes speaker, actors, events,and an implied audience. Authors make up or imagine some or all the materials. This is perhaps whyliterature is often thought of as imaginative literature. Even historical fiction, which chiefly relies on factualevents, is also fictional, as it includes characters, dialogues, events, and settings that never existed in history.
The fictional quality of literature also lies in the artistic control that writers exercise over the work. Thisartistic control produces the effect of stylizing the materials of the work, thus setting it apart from the real.
This occurs simply because there always exists an obvious disparity between literary phenomena and real life.
The source of literature is real life. But life as reflected in works of literature can and ought to be on a higherplane, more intense, more concentrated, more typical, nearer the ideal, and therefore more universal thanactual everyday life.
2.3 文學是真實的
盡管文學大多是“虛構的”,但它生來就有真實的本質。這樣,文學就存在著一種——其想象的特性與其真實的人類情況的再現間的似非而是的論點。換句話說, 我們會發現文學在虛構性與真實性間有一種悖論。文學的真實性主要存在於下列三方麵。
2.3 Literature is true
Despite that literature is mostly“fictional”, it has the innate nature of being true. Thus, there existsa paradox in literature—its imaginative properties against its representation of actual human conditions. Inother words, we can find in literature a paradox between fictionality and truth. There are mainly three ways forliterature to be true.
First of all, literature is true to the facts of real life. It directly states the depictions of real people, actualplaces, and existing events. More importantly, literature is true in the sense of its power of communicatingtruthful ideas of human life.
Then, literature is true because of the indirectly stated ideas that the authors present in literary works.
Though all the details of a literary work make up an imaginary world, such a world is based on the author’sideas about the real world.
Finally, what we readers usually encounter in literary works are the typical characters and probableactions. By imposing order on the chaos of real life, authors present characters who typify real people, andthey recount actions that would probably happen in real life. Because of this, we are often be able to findcharacters who represent recognizable types of people in real life.
2.4 文學是審美對象