第6章 為什麼要學《文學與人生》(2 / 3)

Literature is appealing to us also because of its intimate relationship and relevant association withhuman existence. It sheds light on the complexity of human experiences and thus broadens the awarenessof our own understanding about life. While observing the private lives of characters, our minds also beginworking and our hearts beating along with the characters’. An awareness of how other people feel can bea very useful way to enrich one’s own personality. In this sense, literature not only gives us a chance toparticipate in the experience of others, but also succeeds in affecting our attitudes to and expectations aboutthings to happen.



3.To cultivate capacity of artistic appreciation

Because of its good craftsmanship and the beauty of expression in terms of aesthetics, literature canbe studied for artistic appreciation. A literary work, with its unique texture, is a self-contained piece of art,which can be analyzed in accord with literary theories. When we are able to do this, we begin to move in thedirection of literary criticism. However, literary criticism is by no means negative or fault-finding; it is anattempt to clarify, explain and evaluate literature from an aesthetic point of view. In fact, the more we learnabout how to analyze literature from an artistic point of view, the deeper our understanding and better ourappreciation of a literary work can be obtained, and greater still the pleasure and enjoyment can be drawnfrom it.



4.To read for pleasure

Sometimes we read for pleasure only, just as sometimes we listen to music for relaxation or go to a moviefor entertainment. Literature can bring pleasure by entertaining those who voluntarily attend to it. Generallyspeaking, literature offers readers narratives with an exciting world of experiences that is different from theirown. One may argue that there are a variety of other ways of giving pleasure or entertainment to people, yetwe discover that literature enables people to find the greatest pleasure and satisfaction when we are ultimatelybrought back to some sober-minded realities of human problems, feelings, and relationships. The reasonlies in the fact that literature is not simply a copy of what is obviously seen by our bare eyes; we are, in fact,furnished with an imaginative and interpretative reflection upon special views of human existence and socialreality.