1.4 這本《文學與人生》是用漢英雙語寫的,因此,它可用作《文學與人生》課程的教材。學生通過學習《文學與人生》課還可以提高英語水平。每章和每部選作學習的名著後都有複習討論題,有利於學生對所學的內容進行複習鞏固和拓展深造。
1.4 The Literature and Life is bilingually written, i.e. in both Chinese and English. Thus it can beused as a textbook for the course“Literature and Life”. The students can improve their English by learningthe course“Literature and Life”. After each chapter and classic chosen for learning there are somequestions for revision and discussion so that the students can review and consolidate what they have learned.
2.To study life through literature
To study life through literature does not mean the study of literature or criticism but means that one canimprove one’s quality and savour, and study and perfect one’s life by reading classics, both in the East andWest, in Chinese and English.