I was surpriz'd one Morning early,with seeing no less than five Canoes all on Shore together on my side the Island;and the People who belong'd to them all landed,and out of my sight:The Number of them broke all my Measures,for seeing so many,and knowing that they always came four or six,or sometimes more in a Boat,I could not tell what to think of it,Or how to take my Measures,to attack Twenty or Thirty Men single handed;so I lay still in my Castle,perplex'd and discomforted:However I put my self into all the same Postures for an Attack that I had formerly provided,and was just ready for Action,if any Thing had presented;having waited a good while,listening to hear if they made any Noise;at length being very impatient,I set my Guns at the Foot of my Ladder,and clamber'd up to the Top of the Hill,by my two Stages as usual;standing so however that my Head did not appear above the Hill,so that they could not perceive me by any Means;here I observ'd by the help of my Perspective Glass,that they were no less than Thirty in Number,that they had a Fire kindled,that they had had Meat dress'd. How they had cook'd it,that I knew not,or what it was;but they were all Dancing in I know not how many barbarous Gestures and Figures,their own Way,round the Fire. While I was thus looking on them,I perceived by my Perspective,two miserable Wretches dragg'd from the Boats,where it seems they were laid by,and were now brought out for the Slaughter. I perceived one of them immediately fell,being knock'd down,I suppose with a Club or Wooden Sword,for that was their way,and two or three others were at work immediately cutting him open for their Cookery,while the other Victim was left standing by himself,till they should be ready for him. In that very Moment this poor Wretch seeing himself a little at Liberty,Nature inspir'd him with Hopes of Life,and he started away from them,and ran with incredible Swiftness along the Sands directly towards me,I mean towards that part of the Coast,where my Habitation was.