I describ'd to him the Country of Europe,and particularly England,which I came from;how we liv'd,how we worshipp'd God,how we behav'd to one another;and how we traded in Ships to all Parts of the World:I gave him an Account of the Wreck which I had been on board of,and shew'd him as near as I could,the Place where she lay;but she was all beaten in Pieces before,and gone.
I shew'd him the Ruins of our Boat,which we lost when we escap'd,and which I could not stir with my whole Strength then;but was now fallen almost all to Pieces:Upon seeing this Boat,Friday stood musing a great while,and said nothing;I ask'd him what it was he study'd upon,at last says he,me see such Boat like come to Place at my Nation.
I did not understand him a good while;but at last,when I had examin'd farther into it,I understood by him,that a Boat,such as that had been,came on Shore upon the Country where he liv'd;that is,as he explain'd it,was driven thither by Stress of Weather:I presently imagin'd,that some European Ship must have been cast away upon their Coast,and the Boat might get loose,and drive a Shore;but was so dull,that I never once thought of Men making escape from a Wreck thither,much less whence they might come;so I only enquir'd after a Deion of the Boat.
Friday describ'd the Boat to me well enough;but brought me better to understand him,when he added with some Warmth,we save the white Mans from drown:Then I presently ask'd him,if there was any white Mans,as he call'd them,in the Boat;yes,he said,the Boat full white Mans:I ask'd him how many;he told upon his Fingers seventeen:I ask'd him then what become of them;he told me,they live,they dwell at my Nation.
This put new Thoughts into my Head;for I presently imagin'd,that these might be the Men belonging to the Ship,that was cast away in Sight of my Island,as I now call it;and who after the Ship was struck on the Rock,and they saw her inevitably lost,had sav'd themselves in their Boat,and were landed upon that wild Shore among the Savages.