The rainy Season was in the mean Time upon me,when I kept more within Doors than at other Times;so I had stow'd our new Vessel as secure as we could,bringing her up into the Creek,where as I said,in the Beginning I landed my Rafts from the Ship,and haling her up to the Shore,at high Water mark,I made my Man Friday dig a little Dock,just big enough to hold her,and just deep enough to give her Water enough to fleet in;and then when the Tide was out,we made a strong Dam cross the End of it,to keep the Water out;and so she lay dry,as to the Tide from the Sea;and to keep the Rain off,we laid a great many Boughs of Trees,so thick,that she was as well thatch'd as a House;and thus we waited for the Month of November and December,in which I design'd to make my Adventure.
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