When I had thus prepar'd my self,I took my Perspective-Glass,and went up to the Side of the Hill,to see what I could discover;and I found quickly,by my Glass,that there were one and twenty Savages,three Prisoners,and three Canoes;and that their whole Business seem'd to be the triumphant Banquet upon these three humane Bodies,(a barbarous Feast indeed) but nothing more than as I had observ'd was usual with them.

I observ'd also,that they were landed not where they had done,when Friday made his Escape;but nearer to my Creek,where the Shore was low,and where a thick Wood came close almost down to the Sea:This,with the Abhorrence of the inhumane Errand these Wretches came about,fill'd me with such Indignation,that I came down again to Friday,and told him,I was resolv'd to go down to them,and kill them all;and ask'd him,If he would stand by me? He was now gotten over his Fright,and his Spirits being a little rais'd,with the Dram I had given him,he was Cry chearful,and told me,as before,he would die,when I bid die.

In this Fit of Fury,I took first and divided the Arms which I had charg'd,as before,between us;I gave Friday one Pistol to stick in his Girdle,and three Guns upon his Shoulder;and I took one Pistol,and the other three my self;and in this Posture we march'd out:I took a small Bottle of Rum in my Pocket,and gave Friday a large Bag,with more Powder and Bullet;and as to Orders,I charg'd him to keep close behind me,and not to stir,or shoot,or do any Thing,till I bid him;and in the mean Time,not to speak a Word:In this Posture I fetch'd a Compass to my Right-Hand,of near a Mile,as well to get over the Creek,as to get into the Wood;so that I might come within shoot of them,before I should be discover'd,which I had seen by my Glass,it was easy to do.