While I was making this March,my former Thoughts returning,I began to abate my Resolution;I do not mean,that I entertain'd any Fear of their Number;for as they were naked,unarm'd Wretches,'tis certain I was superior to them;nay,though I had been alone;but it occurr'd to my Thoughts,What Call? What Occasion? much less,What Necessity I was in to go and dip my Hands in Blood,to attack People,who had neither done,or intended me any Wrong? Who as to me were innocent,and whose barbarous Customs were their own Disaster,being in them a Token indeed of God's having left them,with the other Nations of that Part of the World,to such Stupidity,and to such inhumane Courses;but did not call me to take upon me to be a Judge of their Actions,much less an Executioner of his Justice;that whenever he thought fit,he would take the Cause into his own Hands,and by national Vengeance punish them as a People,for national Crimes;but that in the mean time,it was none of my Business;that it was true,Friday might justify it,because he was a declar'd Enemy,and in a State of War with those very particular People;and it was lawful for him to attack them;but I could not say she same with respect to me:These Things were so warmly press'd upon my Thoughts,all the way as I went,that I resolv'd I would only go and place my self near them,that I might observe their barbarous Feast,and that I would act then as God should direct;but that unless something offer'd that was more a Call to me than yet I knew of,I would not meddle with them.