It is not easy for me to express how it mov'd me to see what Extasy and filial Affection had work'd in this poor Savage,at the Sight of his Father,and of his being deliver'd from Death;nor indeed can I describe half the Extravagancies of his Affection after this;for he went into the Boat and out of the Boat a great many times:When he went in to him,he would sit down by him,open his Breast,and hold his Father's Head close to his Bosom,half an Hour together,to nourish it;then he took his Arms and Ankles,which were numb'd and stiff with the Binding,and chaffed and rubbed them with his Hands;and I perceiving what the Case was,gave him some Rum out of my Bottle,to rub them with,which did them a great deal of Good.

This Action put an End to our Pursuit of the Canoe,with the other Savages,who were now gotten almost out of Sight;and it was happy for us that we did not;for it blew so hard within two Hours after,and before they could be gotten a Quarter of their Way,and continued blowing so hard all Night,and that from the North-west,which was against them,that I could not suppose their Boat could live,or that they ever reach'd to their own Coast.

But to return to Friday,he was so busy about his Father,that I could not find in my Heart to take him off for some time:But after I thought he could leave him a little,I call'd him to me,and he came jumping and laughing,and pleas'd to the highest Extream;then I ask'd him,If he had given his Father any Bread? He shook his Head,and said,None:Ugly Dog eat all up self;so I gave him a Cake of Bread out of a little Pouch I carry'd on Purpose;I also gave him a Dram for himself,but he would not taste it,but carry'd it to his Father:I had in my Pocket also two or three Bunches of my Raisins,so I gave him a Handful of them for his Father. He had no sooner given his Father these Raisins,but I saw him come out of the Boat,and run away,as if he had been bewitch'd,he run at such a Rate;for he was the swiftest Fellow of his Foot that ever I saw;I say,he run at such a Rate,that he was out of Sight,as it were,in an instant;and though I call'd,and hollow'd too,after him,it was all one,away he went,and in a Quarter of an Hour,I saw him come back again,though not so fast as he went;and as he came nearer,I found his Pace was slacker,because he had some thing in his Hand.