While this was doing,I sent Friday with the Captain's Mate to the Boat,with Orders to secure her,and bring away the Oars,and Sail,which they did;and by and by,three straggling Men that were (happily for them) parted from the rest,came back upon hearing the Guns fir'd,and seeing their Captain,who before was their Prisoner,now their Conqueror,they submitted to be bound also;and so our Victory was compleat.
It now remain'd,that the Captain and I should enquire into one another's Circumstances:I began first,and told him my whole History,which he heard with an Attention even to Amazement;and particularly,at the wonderful Manner of my being furnish'd with Provisions and Ammunition;and indeed,as my Story is a whole Collection of Wonders,it affected him deeply;but when he reflected from thence upon himself,and how I seem'd to have been preserv'd there,on purpose to save his Life,the Tears ran down his Face,and he could not speak a Word more.
After this Communication was at an End,I carry'd him and his two Men into my Apartment,leading them in,just where I came out,viz. At the Top of the House,where I refresh'd them with such Provisions as I had,and shew'd them all the Contrivances I had made,during my long,long,inhabiting that Place.