They were so astonish'd at the Surprize of this,that as they told us afterwards,they resolv'd to go all on board again to their Ship,and let them know,that the Men were all murther'd,and the Long-Boat stav'd;accordingly they immediately launch'd their Boat again,and gat all of them on board.
The Captain was terribly amaz'd,and even confounded at this,believing they would go on board the Ship again,and set Sail,giving their Comrades for lost,and so he should still lose the Ship,which he was in Hopes we should have recover'd;but he was quickly as much frighted the other way.
They had not been long put off with the Boat,but we perceiv'd them all coming on Shore again;but with this new Measure in their Conduct,which it seems they consulted together upon,viz. To leave three Men in the Boat,and the rest to go on Shore,and go up into the Country to look for their Fellows.
This was a great Disappointment to us;for now we were at a Loss what to do;for our Seizing those Seven Men on Shore would be no Advantage to us,if we let the Boat escape;because they would then row away to the Ship,and then the rest of them would be sure to weigh and set Sail,and so our recovering the Ship would be lost.
However,we had no Remedy,but to wait and see what the Issue of Things might present;the seven Men came on Shore,and the three who remain'd in the Boat,put her off to a good Distance from the Shore,and came to an Anchor to wait for them;so that it was impossible for us to come at them in the Boat.