The Mate calling for Help,rush'd however into the Round-House,wounded as he was,and with his Pistol shot the new Captain thro' the Head,the Bullet entring at his Mouth,and came out again behind one of his Ears;so that he never spoke a Word;upon which the rest yielded,and the Ship was taken effectually,without any more Lives lost.

As soon as the Ship was thus secur'd,the Captain order'd seven Guns to be fir'd,which was the Signal agreed upon with me,to give me Notice of his Success,which you may be sure I was very glad to hear,having sat watching upon the Shore for it till near two of the Clock in the Morning.

Having thus heard the Signal plainly,I laid me down;and it having been a Day of great Fatigue to me,I slept very sound,'till I was something surpriz'd with the Noise of a Gun;and presently starting up,I heard a Man call me by the Name of Governour,Governour,and presently I knew the Captain's Voice,when climbing up to the Top of the Hill,there he stood,and pointing to the Ship,he embrac'd me in Arms,My dear Friend and Deliverer,says he,there's your Ship,for she is all yours,and so are we and all that belong to her. I cast my Eyes to the Ship,and there she rode within little more than half a Mile of the Shore;for they had weighed for as soon as they were Masters of her;and the Weather being fair,had brought her to an Anchor just against the Mouth of the little Creek;and the Tide being up,the Captain had brought the Pinnace in near the

Place where I at first landed my Rafts,and so landed just at my Door. I was at first ready to sink down with the Surprize. For I saw my Deliverance indeed visibly put into my Hands,all things easy,and a large Ship just ready to carry me away whither I pleased to go. At first,for some time,I was not able to answer him one Word;but as he had taken me in his Arms,I held fast by him,or I should have fallen to the Ground.