I left them my Fire Arms,viz. Five Muskets,three Fowling Pieces,and three Swords. I had above a Barrel and half of Powder left;for after the first Year or two,I used but little,and wasted none. I gave them a Deion of the Way I manag'd the Goats,and Directions to milk and fatten them,and to make both Butter and Cheese.
In a Word,I gave them every Part of my own Story;and I told them,I would prevail with the Captain to leave them two Barrels of Gun-Powder more,and some Garden-Seeds,which I told them I would have been very glad of;also I gave them the Bag of Pease which the Captain had brought me to eat,and bad them be sure to sow and encrease them.
Having done all this,I left them the next Day,and went an Board the Ship:We prepared immediately to sail,but did not weigh that Night:The next Morning early,two of the five Men came swimming to the Ship's Side,and making a most lamentable Complaint of the other three,begged to be taken into the Ship,for God's Sake,for they should be murthered,and begg'd the Captain to take them on Board,tho' he hang'd them immediately.
Upon this the Captain pretended to have no Power without me;But after some Difficulty,and after their solemn Promises off Amendment,they were taken on Board,and were some time after soundly whipp'd and pickl'd;after which,they prov'd very honest and quiet Fellows.
Some time after this,the Boat was order'd on Shore,the Tide being up,with the things promised to the Men,to which the Captain at my Intercession caused their Chests and Cloaths to be added,which they took,and were very thankful for;I also encourag'd them,by telling them,that if it lay in my Way to send any Vessel to take them in,I would not forget them.
When I took leave of this Island,I carry'd on board for Reliques,the great Goat's-Skin-Cap I had made,my Umbrella,and my Parrot;also I forgot not to take the Money I formerly mention'd,which had lain by me so long useless,that it was grown rusty,or tarnish'd,and could hardly pass for Silver,till it had been a little rubb'd,and handled;as also the Money I found in the Wreck of the Spanish Ship.