By the same Fleet,my two Merchant Trustees shipp'd me 1 200 Chests of Sugar,800 Rolls of Tobacco,and the rest of the whole Accompt in Gold.
I might well say,now indeed,That the latter End of Job was better than the Beginning. It is impossible to express pere the Flutterings of my very Heart,when I look'd over these Letters,and especially when I found all my Wealth about me;for as the Brasil Ships come all in Fleets,the same Ships which brought my Letters,brought my Goods;and the Effects were safe in the River before the Letters came to my Hand. In a Word,I turned pale,and grew sick;and had not the old Man run and fetch'd me a Cordial,I believe the sudden Surprize of Joy had overset Nature,and I had dy'd upon the Spot.
Nay after that,I continu'd very ill,and was so some Hours,'till a Physician being sent for,and something of the real Cause of my illness being known,he order'd me to be let Blood;after which,I had Relief,and grew well:But I verily believe,if it had not been eas'd by a Vent given in that Manner,to the Spirits,I should have dy'd.
I was now Master,all on a Sudden,of above 5000 l. Sterling in Money,and had an Estate,as I might well call it,in the Brasils,of above a thousand Pounds a Year,as sure as an Estate of Lands in England:And in a Word,I was in a Condition which I scarce knew how to understand,or how to compose my self,for the Enjoyment of it.