This gave us leisure to charge our Pieces again,and that we might loose no Time,we kept going;but we had but little more than loaded our Fusees,and put our selves into a Readiness,when we heard a terrible Noise in the same Wood,on our Left,only that it was farther onward the same Way we were to go.

The Night was coming on,and the Light began to be dusky,which made it worse on our Side;but the Noise encreasing,we could easily perceive that it was the Howling and Yelling of those hellish Creatures;and on a sudden,we perceiv'd 2 or 3 Troops of Wolves,one on our Left,one behind us,and one on our Front;so that we seem'd to be surrounded with 'em;however,as they did not fall upon us,we kept our Way forward,as fast as we could make Our Horses go,which the Way being very rough,was only a good large Trot;and in this Manner we came in View of the Entrance of a Wood,through which we were to pass,at the farther Side of the Plain;but we were greatly surpriz'd,when coming nearer the Lane,or Pass,we saw a confus'd Number of Wolves standing just at the Entrance.

On a sudden,at another opening of the Wood,we heard the Noise of a Gun;and looking that Way,out rush'd a Horse,with a Saddle,and a Bridle on him,flying like the Wind,and sixteen or seventeen Wolves after him,full Speed;indeed,the Horse had the Heels of them;but as we suppos'd that he could not hold it at that rate,we doubted not but they would get up with him at last,and no question but they did.

But here we had a most horrible Sight;for riding up to the Entrance where the Horse came out,we found the Carcass of another Horse,and of two Men,devour'd by the ravenous Creatures,and one of the Men was no doubt the same who we heard fir'd the Gun;for there lay a Gun just by him,fir'd off;but as to the Man,his Head,and the upper Part of his Body was eaten up.