Any one would think,that in this State of complicated good Fortune,I was past running any more Hazards;and so indeed I had been,if other Circumstances had concurr'd,but I was inur'd to a wandring Life,had no Family,not many Relations,nor however rich had I contracted much Acquaintance;and though I had sold my Estate in the Brasils,yet I could not keep the Country out of my Head,and had a great Mind to be upon the Wing again,especially I could not resist the strong Inclination I had to see my Island,and to' know if the poor Spaniards were in Being there,and how the Rogues I left there had used them.
My true Friend,the Widow,earnestly diswaded me from it,and so far prevail'd with me,that for almost seven Years she prevented my running Abroad;during which time,I took my two Nephews,the Children of one of my Brothers into my Care:The eldest having something of his own,I bred up as a Gentleman,and gave him a Settlement of some Addition to his Estate,after my Decease;the other I put out to a Captain of a Ship;and after five Years,finding him a sensible bold enterprising young Fellow,I put him into a good Ship,and sent him to Sea:And this young Fellow afterwards drew me in,as old as I was,to farther Adventures my self.
In the mean time,I in Part settled my self here;for first of all I marry'd,and that not either to my Disadvantage or Dissatisfaction,and had three Children,two Sons and one Daughter:But my Wife dying,and my Nephew coming Home with good Success from a Voyage to Spain,my Inclination to go Abroad,and his Importunity prevailed and engag'd me to go in his Ship,as a private Trader to the East Indies:This was in the Year 1694.