Till Little Arliss got into that bear fight,I supposeI’d thought of him in the way most boys thinkof their little brothers. I liked him all right,but Ididn’t have much time for him. He was always playingin our drinking - water and getting in the wayof my chopper and screaming his head off and throwingstones,and it seemed to me a lot to have toput up with.
But that day when I saw him in the spring,helpless against the bear,taught me to know that Iloved him as much as I did Mama and Papa,perhapsin some ways even a bit more.
And so it was that I came to love the dog thatsaved him.
After that,I couldn’t do enough for Old Yeller.
What if he was a big ugly meat - stealing dog?
What if he did fall over and yell blue murder everytime I gave him a cross look? What if he had run
從那以後,我總覺得對阿黃真是報答不盡。即使它是一頭既大又醜的偷肉吃的狗,這又有什麼關係呢? 每次我對它發火時,即使它往
off when he should have helped with the fightingbulls? He’d fought and saved Little Arliss when Icouldn’t have done it,and that was enough for me.
地上一躺,大聲狂吠,這又怎麼樣呢? 即使在該幫我們對付那頭打架的公牛時,它卻逃之夭夭,這又怎麼樣呢? 隻要看看在我無法搭救小阿裏斯的時刻它卻奮力搏鬥,救了他的命,對我來說這就足夠了。
I petted him till he was wagging all over toshow how happy he was. I felt mean about how I’dtreated him,and did everything I could to let himknow. I washed and greased his hair till it shone,and that night after dark,when he stole into bedwith me and Little Arliss,I let him sleep there andnever said a word about it to Mama.
I took him and Little Arliss squirrel - huntingnext day. It was the first time I’d ever taken LittleArliss on any kind of hunt. He was so noisy and sillythat I always thought he’d frighten off the game.
As it turned out,he was just as noisy and silly asI’d thought. He’d follow after us,keeping quiet as I’