The world believes that if a man is a king, or a man is very wealthy, he has no troubles。Just the reverse! The higher the man, the greater the worry。Here there was a mighty and very wealthy emperor, and yet he was more miserable than a poor man who has nothing to eat。It is not always wealth that brings happiness。
Now, where have I stopped with my tale? Yes, I remember-the King was weeping over his troubles。The poor old King was broken-hearted, for he loved his people, and he could not look with indifference on their troubles and woes。But what can a man do? He suffered in silence, for he could do nothing。
When he saw the troubles growing worse and worse, he called together all the medicine men, all the physicians, and all the wise men, to take counsel with him and to see what could be done to stop the growing misery。But even they could not fathom the cause, save one, a very old man, who, when he was told of the birth of the girl, said to the King:“Your Majesty, here is the root of evil。May your Majesty pardon me, that child is a curse to the country and a curse on your head, and how can it be otherwise seeing that she is the thirteenth? But let us first try and find out for certain whether this is the case or not。In the night go to the room where the children are asleep and see how she is lying。”
“Very well,”said the King,“I will go and see。”
On that very night, walking on tip-toe, he went into the chamber where the children were sleeping。All the others slept like human beings, but when he came to the youngest daughter he found her lying there doubled up and huddled together with her knees to her chin in such a manner that may Providence protect us from sleeping like that! The King wondered at what he saw, and left the chamber。Going into his room, he lay down, but could not sleep the whole night for pain and grief。