ONCE upon a time there lived an Emperor, called the White Emperor, who had three daughters, each one more beautiful than the other。He kept them locked up in strong towers for fear lest the Zmei, or Dragons, should steal them。
Close by there lived another Emperor, known as the Red Emperor, who had three sons。The eldest son, Ion, who was of a somewhat weak nature, had fallen in love with the eldest daughter, Ileana。The second son, Vlad, who was more valiant than his elder brother, loved the second daughter, Dorna; but the third, called Sucna Murga, who was as brave as he was handsome, was head over heels in love with the youngest daughter, Marintse。
One day the eldest Prince Ion came to the Emperor and asked him to allow his eldest daughter Ileana to take a walk with him in the garden。The Emperor, who could not get rid of his fear, at first refused, and told the Prince that he was afraid that he might lose his daughter through the wiles of the Zmei; but the Prince assured him that he would take good care of the Princess, and, moreover, the garden was surrounded by very high walls。There was nothing to fear。
At last the Emperor consented, and the eldest Princess came out to spend some time with the Prince in the garden。It was a right royal garden, full of trees and flowers, beautifully laid out and well kept。For some time they were walking up and down hand in hand, when the Prince suddenly espied a beautiful flower at some distant part of the garden。He let go the Princess’s hand and went across the lawn to pick it to bring to her。No sooner had he left her than a small cloud appeared in the sky over the place where the Princess stood, and, descending swiftly, enveloped and carried her away。It was all done in the twinkling of an eye。
The Prince came back with the flower in his hand and looked for the Princess。She had disappeared, and in vain did he search for her high and low。She was nowhere to be found。Vexed and troubled in spirit, he went back to her father and told him the sad news。The Emperor felt as if part of his heart had been torn out, for he loved his daughters dearly。He realized what had happened, and instead of joy there was sorrow in the palace。
Some time afterwards the second son Vlad came, and he asked the Emperor to grant permission to the second daughter Dorna to take a walk with him in the garden。The old father, remembering what had happened to his first daughter, refused, but the Prince pressed him so hard that he at last consented。
Great was the joy of the young girl when she found herself in the open air walking about with her beloved。Time passed quickly。Suddenly this Prince also espied a beautiful flower in some part of the garden, and went to pick it。No sooner had he left her when another but somewhat thicker cloud was seen descending swiftly from the blue sky。It enveloped the Princess, and, lifting her up, carried her away。