Then he said to his brothers:“Come, let us go together in search of our beloved ones。”
So, taking the chain on his back, they went until they came to the end of the earth where the hinges of the heavens are。There he asked his eldest brother to throw the chain on to the hinges, but he could not。Then he told the second brother to try; he also did not succeed。Then he threw the chain up, and it fastened itself on to the hinge of the heavens。
After he had tried the chain and found it secure, he said to his eldest brother:“You try and mount on this chain and get to the sky。”
But when the eldest brother had climbed up to the middle of the chain, he got giddy and frightened and he came down。
Sucna Murga asked him:“Have you got up to the sky?”
“No,”he said。
“How far have you gone up? What did you see?”
“Well, I saw the whole earth looking like a mole hill and a wide thread of waters surrounding it。”
Then Sucna Murga asked his second brother to go up to the sky。He climbed up a little higher than his elder brother, and then came down to earth again。He had only seen the earth, but smaller than his elder brother had seen it。
Then Sucna Murga said:“I will try now。But mind you do not leave this place。Wait until you see the chain moving。That will be a sign for you to know that I have killed the Zmei, and that I am bringing back our beloved ones。”So he climbed right up。
When he reached the sky he found himself on a wide road。It was the road of the Zmei, and was leading to their palaces。
Now, the first Zmeu, who had stolen the eldest Princess, had one head, and the second had two heads, and the third had three heads, and each one of these was stronger than the other。Walking along, the Prince came to the palace of the first。What a surprise for the poor Princess! She could not believe her eyes。She could not understand how he had got there, and he had to assure her that he was well and alive, and that he had come to rescue her。
She said to him:“I fear me that Zmeu of mine will prove stronger than you are。”
He replied:“Leave that to me, but tell me only what is his daily ration。”
And she said:“Five roasted calves, five ovenfuls of bread, five casks of wine, and when his club knocks at the gate the food must be ready, the table must be decked, and the food must be neither cold nor boiling hot。”
Whilst they were speaking there came a tremendous knock at the gate, which shook the palace。
Sucna Murga then said to her:“Where can I hide myself so as to meet him unawares?”