正文 第27章 LITTLE BROTHER BIT(4)(1 / 3)

In a twinkling she was ready, and they started on their journey。Led by the beggars, she reached the place without difficulty, and in a much shorter time than it had taken them to come to her house, for they now travelled differently。When they arrived there, she entered the palace alone and hid herself under the bed in the room where the table was decked ready, waiting for the twelve doves to come in。She had not long to wait, for on the stroke of twelve the flutter of wings was heard and in they came one by one, the last being Little Brother Bit。They turned somersaults and sat down to eat, when again Little Brother Bit began saying,“Oh, how I wish my wife were here to break this spell!”

As soon as his wife heard the words for which she had been waiting anxiously, she crept quickly from under the bed, and rushing to him threw her arms around his neck and embraced him。

When the others saw what had happened they all jumped for joy。They knew that the spell had been broken which a wicked wizard had cast upon them out of hatred for their father, the Emperor。

Feeling themselves now free, they took leave of Little Brother Bit and his wife and went to their own homes。Little Brother Bit then, with his wife, and followed by the two beggars, returned home。

Who was more joyful than the old bricklayer and the carpenter when they saw Little Brother Bit and his wife coming back like a prince and princess?

They afterwards lived happily together, and if they are not dead they are still there telling one another the story of Little Brother Bit and his bride。










