I feel alive here. There is much opportunity for anyone going to dedicated his self-labors.
本文選自電影Legends of the Fall《燃情歲月》。放浪不羈的男主角崔斯汀(Brad Pitt布拉德?皮特飾)流浪多年後回到家鄉,娶妻生子過上平靜的生活。為了養家糊口他做起了賣酒的生意,但卻引起了黑社會同行的不滿,這段對話正是賣酒同行威脅崔斯汀的場景。
The man: Tristan,Been meaning to1 talk to you about one or two things.
Tristan:By all means2.
The man: As you know perfectly well,we handle3 the liquor4 around here. Now, you’ve been what we called as a small-time operator5. An amateur6, frankly. But, Lately, your shipments have been getting a little fat7 and my patience has been getting a little thin. So the next time you get in our way8 will be the last time.
Tristan:Excuse me9. I appreciate it.
The other man: Tristan, Perhaps you’re wondering why you’re not dead already. Because your brother is Congressman Ludlow. And that’s it. That’s all. 男人:崔斯汀,我們想和你談點兒事。
A: to know some expressions of threat 了解一些威脅的言語
B:to learn to respond to threat 學習應對威脅之言
1. Get off my back! 別煩我!別多管閑事。
2. If you fail me in this,beware!如果你壞了我的好事,給我小心點!
3. Tomorrow you go after Mary,you're dead meat. 明天你還去煩瑪麗的話,你就死定了。
4. You better wise up!你最好放聰明點!
5. If you marry her, we will cut you off. 如果你娶她為妻,我們就和你斷絕關係。
1. I am sorry. This will not happen again. 對不起,以後不會再發生了。
2. Don't you dare!你好大的膽子!
3. Enough talk!Go ahead!/Bring it!/Make my day!/Show me more!說夠了沒!放馬過來吧!
4. You cannot scare me!I've got balls!你嚇不倒我,我渾身是膽!