第三章(3 / 3)

"Little Yang, the secretary. Hurry up,dad. We mustn't keep them waiting." Shedragged him in the direction of their home.

"How have you been getting along, oldchap?" The center chief still had a bushy beardand was just as straightforward as ever.的佗子。”大胡子頗為感概地說著。“唉,想起來真對不住你老哥喲,把你往這兒一扔就是二十年!老夥計,是否現在趁我離開之前把你調出沙佗?”








“5050.19So so.

"Only so so? With all the land you've con-tracted and all you've grown? Why, the seedsalone will fetch five yuan sixty a kilo. You'll berolling in money. " He spoke as if the land wouldyield gold and crops shoot up like bamboo afterrain. Beardy joked happily and slapped the oldman on the shoulder.

Sandy laughed. He was fond of the man,although aware that he had drawn twenty years'pay as the head of the forestry center for doingless in the way of sand prevention and afforesta-tion than in that of making himself a name fordrinking and hunting. "What brings you here,加賀?”

"Well, I'm off to be advisor to the countyforestry bureau. I've come to pay you and thedunes a visit before I go, " said Beardy with feel-ing. "I'm sorry to have left you here in the dunesfor all of twenty years. How about having youtransferred to the center before I leave forgood?"

"Oh, no, I like it here. I don't want toleave. This is home to me, ha, ha!"

"You're a stubborn old man. I want to do“隨便轉轉”的意味,心裏“格哈”一下,目光隨即落到老主任肩上背著的那杆老獵槍上。而且那位秘書也背著槍。“噢,隨便轉轉,好好,可帶著獵槍……”

