第八章(3 / 3)

Most of Guo Xuebo's other fiction works arealso tragedies caused not so much by the desert orany mysterious force as by man himself. They im-part, therefore, a profound and serious message formankind.

But Guo Xuebo's tragedies are a clear cutabove ordinary tragedies. There is much to medi-tate upon in his fiction, which inspire rage, respector admiration for the strength of ordinary men andwomen. His tragedies are unique because he has in-corporated the philosophy of religion in his narra-tion. At the beginning of one story he quotes thefollowing words from a Buddhist scripture, "Thereis no peace in the human world, which resembles afiery residence. " The "fiery residence" in his story,the desert, is dominated by men's struggle, care,anxiety and fear, bound up with a desire for sur-vival, yet in the end destruction is inevitable.

Guo Xuebo describes the desert flora and fau-na in detail, not just because they are rare and pre-cious or because he likes to use them as a foil for hischaracters, but because " all animate things in the葬》中雲燈喇嘛所說:“沙漠裏凡是有生命的東西都一樣可貴,不分高低貴賤。”

郭雪波現實主義的小說,不僅得力於他的獨特的生活經曆,也因為他有深厚的文學修養。他喜歡並認真閱讀了傑克·倫敦、福克納、屠格涅夫、梅裏美等強而有力的作家的作品。結構現實主義也對郭雪波頗有影響。為了和電影爭取讀者,結構現實主義往往采取多層次、多角度的寫法,使小說具有立體感,《沙狼》就有三條線索交叉進行:金嘎達老漢、阿木《知識分子》和沙狼。長篇《火宅》以你我他三種眼光寫書中的人和事,以“黑沙豹”與“獨眼女”的命運為線索,采取多層次、多角度的立體交叉手法,展現了風雲變幻、狼奔泵突的沙漠生活,塑造了眾多人物形像。desert are equally precious", as Yundeng Lama saysin "The Sand Burial".

Guo Xuebo's realistic fiction has arisen fromboth his particular life experience and his solidfoundation in literature. He has read and appreci-ated Jack London, William Faulkner, Turgenev,Prosper Merimee, etc. He is also much influencedby structural realism. In competition with the filmindustry, structural realists adopt a multi-layeredapproach, with the narration taking differentpoints of view in order to achieve a three-dimen-sional effect. Thdre are three entwined themes in"The Desert Wolf": Old Jingad, Ahm and DesertWolf. The Fiery Residence adopts three angles,taking the story of Black Sand-Leopard and One-eyed Woman as the central theme. The style is wellsuited to the complex life of the desert.Translated by Wang Chiying忠實翻譯的多種手法







[放生]free captive animals;

( of Buddhists) buy captive fish or

birds and set them free.














"What isthere, daddy?"that runningasked the daughter. She was always asking aboutthe sand dunes.

"A hare. A small animal thatlives in the dunes. "

"Catch it, daddy. I wantit.

"No. We mustn't do that,child. We mustn't hurt a singleblade of grass or insect here. "

" Why?"

"Because we have so few liv-ing things here, and life dependson other life. You'll understandwhen you grow up. "





“不中用”一詞,《漢一英詞典》上的譯文是:unfit for anything: no good; useless.並給出例句:

這鐵不中用,This spade isno good…我老了,不中用啦!I'm get-ting old and useless !

可是如果這裏也用這類的表達法,卻不夠味。譯者用了failing一詞, 比useless, nogood, unfit for anything等好得多:

The hot days and cold nightsof the desert hurt his windpipeand lungs and gave him bad asth-ma. His back and legs were fail-ing too.



柳乞求著, 才卜過來,跪在父親的腳邊,


" You mustn't go, dad.please. " she begged, throwing her-self at his feet and hugging hislegs.

原文的“撲過來”、“跪在父親的腳邊”兩個動作,譯文雖然字麵上沒有“跪”字,卻包含在throw herself at his feet中了。如果譯成throw herself at him and knelt down at hisfeet反而顯得不夠精煉《注意原文是精煉的》。


“峨……”老沙頭看一眼大胡子,琢磨著他“隨便轉轉”的意味,心裏“格嘮”了一下, 目光隨即落到老主任肩上背著的那杆老獵槍上。


" Well一”Sandy looked athim, pondering what he had said一his heart had missed a beat atthat "just take a turn”一and hisglance fell on Beardy's shotgun.

但是, 由於漢語民族和英語民族語言文化的差異,要想處處株兩悉稱準確也是很難做到的。有時不得不有所取舍。比如:

他為報仇當了土匪, 入了“黑河流子”《解放後流竄於關裏關外的土匪》並為此蹲的大牢等等。這裏“黑河流子”是方言,即使中國人,也不是人人都懂,因此作家在原文中加了注解。這類詞語富有地方特色。但譯成英語,卻不可能原原分分保留這種中國的地方特色了《好比普通話的“我”與山東方言的“俺”,在英語中大約也隻好都譯為另外,“黑河流子”在整篇小說中隻出現一次,是偶爾提及。如果譯成下邊這樣:

to avenge his parents hehad joined a group of "black rivervagabonds" (bandits who wan-dered in the Northeast and North Chi-na in the early years of the Peo-pie's Republic of China) but hadbeen sent to prison for it


he had joined a group of ban-dits to avenge his parents but hadbeen sent to prison for it.



“老夥計, 日子過得不賴吧?”大胡子主任胡子還是那麼濃密,還是那麼直率。



"How have you been getting a-long, old chap?" The center chiefstill had a bushy beard and was justas straightforward as ever.

"So so.

"Only so so? With all the landyou've contracted and all you'vegrown? Why, the seeds alone willfetch five yuan sixty a kilo. You'llbe rolling in money. " He spoke asif the land would yield gold andcrops shoot up like bamboo after




In the last two Fears peoplehad begun to contract land and beresponsible for its output.