正文 list26 251-260(1 / 3)


However, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are reversing{vt. 顛倒}1your vehicle or if you have a valid{adj. 有效的}2medical certificate{n. 證書}3which excuses you from wearing it.


關鍵詞1reverse adj. 顛倒的 n. 顛倒 vt. 顛倒(參見關鍵句047)

關鍵詞2valid adj. 有效的(參見關鍵句028)

關鍵詞3certificate n. 證書

Her driver’s certificate was suspended by the police. 她的駕駛執照被警察吊銷了。


credential n. 證書

The new credential hasn’t helped. 這張新證書於事無補。

diploma n. 文憑

He obtained a diploma in architecture. 他獲得了建築學的學位證書。


The act, designed to protect species’{n. 物種}1living areas, and policies that preserve{vt. 保存}2land and forests compete{vi. 競爭}with economic interests.


關鍵詞1species n. 物種(參見關鍵句099)

關鍵詞2preserve vt. 保存

He was anxious to preserve his reputation. 他急於維護自己的名聲。



conserve vt. 保存

We must conserve our forests and woodlands for future generations. 我們必須為子孫後代保護森林資源。

conservative adj. 保守的(參見關鍵句100)

reserve vt. 預訂;保留

I need to reserve a table for four. 我要預訂一張四人桌。

observe vt. 觀察;評論;遵守(參見關鍵句145)

deserve v. 值得

You deserve a reward for being so helpful. 你幫了這麼大的忙理應受到獎勵。


I do solemnly{adv. 莊嚴地}1swear that I will faithfully execute{vt. 執行}2the Office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve{vt. 保存}3, protect and defend{vt. 防衛}4the Constitution of the United States.
