Fear of biotechnology has done great harm, because technological stagnation (停滯) poses greater risks than technological innovation. Banning stem cell research or research into reproductive cloning would prevent many promising (有希望的) developments in medical research. The biotechnology revolution, IVF for instance, has already brought enormous benefits and will bring much more, provided that we encourage and support research into cloning.
Opponents of cloning opposed in vitro fertilisation (體外受精) too. Possibly one million babies have been born through IVF since 1978. This safe and beneficial procedure came from decades of improving techniques on a variety of animals. Safe cloning will similarly result from animal research, and a ban on research would prevent work of making cloning safe. In Germany the government has banned some research work on embryos, so Germany made less contribution and had less influence in this field. Britain’s parliament has passed a law that regulates therapeutic cloning, but unfortunately bans efforts at reproductive cloning.
Cell therapy based on stem cells often leads to tissue rejection (組織排斥) and requires costly and potentially dangerous immunosuppressive (抑製免疫力的) therapy. However, when the stem cells are harvested from the patient himself and cloned, these problems are avoided. Therapeutic cloning has vast untapped (未開發的) —though at this stage still remote—potential to improve the lives of hundreds of millions. As far as the term “designer babies”(設計嬰兒) goes, pre-natal cloning (胎前克隆) and genetic engineering (基因工程) can be used to prevent disease or cure it, to suppress unwanted traits, and to enhance desired ones. It is the moral right of a parent to make sure that his progeny (後代) suffers less, enjoys life more, and attains the maximal level of welfare throughout his or her life. The fact that such technologies can be abused by over-zealous, or mentally unhealthy parents in collaboration with greedy or unscrupulous (無道德的) doctors, should not prevent the vast majority of stable, caring, and sane parents from gaining access to them.
The right to euthanasia (安樂死), to have one’s life terminated (終結) at will, is restricted by numerous social, ethical, and legal rules, principles, and considerations. Briefly speaking, in many Western countries one is thought to have a right to have one’s life terminated with the help of third parties, if one is going to die shortly anyway or if one is going to be tormented and humiliated by great agony (痛苦) for the rest of the life. Of course, one has to be in sound mind and to will his or her death consciously and forcefully.
The Internet is, literally a network of networks. It consists of thousands of inter-connected networks spanning the globe. The computers that form the Internet range from huge mainframes (大型主機) in research establishments to modest PCs in people’s homes and offices. Despite the recent hype (大肆宣傳), the Internet is not a new phenomenon. It stems from a collection of computers in the 1970s that were linked together to form the US Department of Defense’s (國防部門) communications systems. Fearing the consequences of nuclear attack, there was no central computer holding vast amounts of data; rather the information was dispersed (分散) to thousands of machines. Protocols (協議), a set of rules known as TCP/IP, were developed to allow separate devices to work together. The original network has a long history since it was upgraded and expanded, and TCP/IP is now a “de facto”(事實上的) standard. Millions of people worldwide are using the Internet to share information, make new associations and communicate. Individuals and businesses, from students and journalists to consultants, programmers and corporate giants, are all making the most of the power of the Internet. For many businesses the Internet is becoming an integral part of their success. The future holds promises for even bigger success of the Internet.