正文 第7章環境保護類(1 / 3)



Since the rise of environmental awareness, business and industry have always considered environmentalism (環保主義) a waste of time, only getting in the way of profits and production. From the perspective of business, environmentalists push for regulations and restrictions on businesses which cost them more money and frequently restrict some of their practices. What business and economy doesn’t know is that they can actually save money by being environmentally responsible, while protecting the very resources they depend on. The protection of the environment does not only have intrinsic (內在的) value, but also has economic value from which business and industry can benefit. These factors can lead to a new economy that protects what it needs instead of destroying it.



The human population is expected to double in the next 50.years, and the ever-growing global population needs vast amounts of food, energy and raw materials. We cannot continue to get these supplies in the way we do now without damaging the earth’s environment beyond repair. Pollution, deforestation (森林砍伐), over-fishing, intensive farming and above all global warming are having great impact on the environment. We need to find ways to improve our food productivity, and to obtain our energy and raw materials in more sustainable ways.



Globalization can be defined as the trend away from distinct national economic units and toward one huge global market. This trend can be found on many aspects in the business world, be it political, economical, or social. Yet one factor that is of great importance in making globalization possible is the environment issue. The environmental crisis in one nation does not only involve that nation, but also involve the globe village. Developed nations such as the United States should have policies toward the world market that protect the standards and regulations designed to reserve the environment.



When industrialization began, little thought was given to its ecological effects. Untreated sewage (汙水) was poured into rivers and seas. Animals were killed for profit to the point of extinction. The loss of trees through uncontrolled deforestation caused erosion and unstable climate. Acid rain (酸雨) was caused by the poisonous gases released from industries and automobiles. Chemicals in pesticides (殺蟲劑) killed animals of no harm and threatened people’s health. Herbicides (除草劑) harmed crops and degraded soil. The balance of nature was disturbed.



Hunting and gathering, horticultural (園藝的), and pastoral(田園的) ways of life generally make small demands on the natural environment, because people tend to gather or grow only enough food and other materials for their basic needs. These nomadic(遊牧的) or semi-nomadic(半遊牧的) societies can also move away from depleted (耗竭的) areas, allowing plants to regrow and animals to repopulate.



Agricultural societies can heavily burden the environment, sometimes endangering their own survival. For example, early Mediterranean (地中海的) civilizations deforested and overgrazed (過度放牧) large areas of land. These damages to the land prompted (促使) soil erosion (侵蝕), which made food production increasingly costly over time.



Industrial societies put even larger demands on the environment, and they may someday exhaust important supplies of natural resources. The mass production of goods is often wasteful and polluting. Thus, large societies must put great effort into disposing of their wastes and developing new sources of energy and material resources.



Climate change is neither new nor unusual. Throughout the history of the earth, the average surface temperature, climate and greenhouse gas concentrations have changed, sometimes gradually other times quite sharply. During the past 10,000.years the earth has been in an interglacial(間冰期的) period with fairly stable climate, surface temperature, and greenhouse gas concentrations. However, scientists have discovered that in the past 150.years, especially the last 50.ones, the greenhouse gas concentration has increased significantly, making the 20th century the hottest in the last 10,000.years.



Although the earth has undergone periodic (周期性的) changes known as global cooling and global warming, today’s global warming is unique, due to human influences. The greenhouse effect is essentially caused by gases in the atmosphere which keep heat from spreading into the exterior space. The major heat trapping gases found in the atmosphere are CO2.and water vapor—which are found in large quantity, ozone (臭氧), CH4.〔methane (甲烷)〕, and N2O 〔nitrous oxide (氧化亞氮)〕—which are better heat trapper but found in smaller quantity, CFC (含氯氟烴)—which is very potent (有力的) to destroy ozone. The rapid increase of these gases in the past fifty years has been the cause for what scientists call a global warming problem.



Fossil fuels include gasoline (汽油), oil, coal, or natural gases. Whenever we burn them, pollutant gases are emitted (排放) into the atmosphere. Fossil fuels, which are mainly burned to run cars and trucks, heat homes, provide energy for business and power factories, are responsible for about 98% of US carbon dioxide emissions, 24% of methane emissions and 18% of nitrous oxide emissions. Because of the harmful effects of these pollutant gases, they pose a major threat to the environment.



The environment is a strongly arguable issue in today’s world of highly dense populations and forever growing technologies. People rely daily on the use of cars for example as means of transportation to and from their work. People travel far distances much more than they used to a century years ago due to the ease of traveling by plane, and the fact that they will reach their destinations in a matter of hours. The point is, for such great advantages that we take for granted, there’s an even greater disadvantage, the destruction of our environment. We are abusing our home. Something has to be done to help save the environment for the sake of our children and grandchildren, for their health and development.