Law is not completely a matter of human enactment (法令). It also includes natural law. The best-known version of this view that God’s law is supreme has had considerable influence in the United States and other Western societies. The civil rights movement, for example, was at least partially inspired by the belief in natural law. Such a belief seems implicit(暗示的) in the view that law should serve to promote human dignity and equal rights for all.
Law develops as society evolves. Historically, the simplest societies were tribal. The members of the tribe were bonded together initially by kinship (血緣) and worship of the same gods. Even in the absence of courts and legislature there was law—a blend (混合) of custom, morality, religion, and magic. The visible authority was the ruler, or chief, but the ultimate authorities were believed to be the gods whose will was revealed in the forces of nature and in the revelations of the tribal head or the priests. Wrongs against the tribe, such as sacrilege (褻瀆) or breach(破壞) of tribal custom, were met with group sanctions (處罰) including ridicule (嘲笑) and hostility. Once the wrong was done, there would be the wrath (憤怒) of the gods. The gods were appeased (撫慰) in ritualistic ceremonies ending perhaps in sacrifice or expulsion (驅逐) of the wrongdoer. Wrongs against individuals, such as murder, theft, adultery (通奸), or failure to repay a debt, were avenged by the family of the victim, often in actions against the family of the wrongdoer. Revenge of this kind was based on tribal custom, a major component of early law.
Tribal society gradually evolved into territorial confederations (聯盟). Governmental structures emerged, and modern law began to take shape. The most significant historical example is Roman law, which influences most of the legal systems of the world. In the 8th century BC, the law of Rome was still largely a blend of custom and interpretation by priests(祭司) of the will of the gods. Later, the threat of revolution by lower classes led to one of the most significant developments in the history of law: the Twelve Tables of Rome(《十二表法》), which were engraved (雕刻) on bronze tablets (石板) in the 5th century BC. They were largely a declaration of existing custom concerning such matters as property, payment of debts, and appropriate compensation or other remedies for damage to persons. The Twelve Tables serve as a historical basis for the widespread modern belief that fairness in law demands that it should be in written form. These tables and their Roman successors, including the Justinian Code (《查士丁尼法典》), constitute civil-law codes that provide the main source of law in much of modern Europe, South America, and elsewhere.
Public law concerns the relationships within government and those between governments and individuals. Because the Roman codes were almost entirely limited to the private area, public law is usually not codified (成文). In civil-law countries, separate administrative courts adjudicate (判決) claims and disputes between the various branches of government and citizens, and many lawyers specialize in public law.
Private law involves the various relationships that people have with one another and the rules that determine their legal rights and duties as citizens. The area is concerned with rules and principles pertaining to (關於…的) private ownership and use of property, contracts between individuals, family relationships, and redress (賠償) by way of compensation for harm inflicted on one person by another. Historically, government involvement was usually minimal. Private law has also provided general guidelines and security in private arrangements and interactions in ways that are complementary to morality and custom but not necessarily enforceable in a court of law, such as non-contractual (非合同的) promises and agreements within an association of private individuals.
The relative significance of purely private law has decreased in modern times. Public law dominates in societies, and democratic societies increasingly have a mix of public and private law. The private sphere (部分) includes individuals and a vast array of groups, associations, organizations, and special legal entities such as corporations. They compete with one another and with government for control of resources, wealth, power, and the communication of ideas and values. Special fields of law, such as labor law, facilitate and control this competition. Much of such law is in the commercial and corporate areas. The formerly purely private law of property and contracts, for example, is now overlaid(覆蓋) with legislation, regulations, and judicial decisions reflecting the competition. The public law of taxation has significant impact on the whole private sphere. Courts have increasingly regarded resolution of seemingly private disputes as vehicles for changing social conditions and values—especially in the US. Thus, manufacturers have experienced an expansion of liability for physical injuries caused by defects in their products. The mechanism of insurance allows manufacturers to transfer such costs to the general consuming public.
The legal process that concerns relations among nations is called international law. Belief and experience in some form of international law dates from at least the days of the Roman Empire. Such law differs greatly from national legal systems. Even in its most modern developments, international law is almost wholly based on custom. The precedents (先例) on which it rests are the acts of independent governments in their relations with one another, including treaties and conventions. Behind many of its rules is one moral sanction:the public opinion of the civilized world. The machinery (機製) to enforce these laws includes arbitration (仲裁), conciliation (調解), and the submission of the dispute to a regional or international court.
A discernible (可識別的) body of rules and principles is observed or at least acknowledged in international relations. These rules concern such matters as territorial titles (領土所有權) and boundaries, use of the high seas(公海), limits on war, telecommunication, diplomatic and consular (領事的) exchange, and use of air space. The major sources of international law on these matters are multilateral (多邊的) treaties, international custom, and general principles recognized by civilized nations.
Women’s rights are rights that establish the same social, economic, and political status for women as for men. Women’s rights guarantee that women will not face discrimination on the basis of their sex. Until the second half of the 20th century, women in most societies were denied some of the legal and political rights accorded to men. Although nowadays women in much of the world have gained significant legal rights, many people believe that women still do not have complete political, economic, and social equality with men.
No issue provokes more intense controversy within minority communities than police policy concerning the use of force, especially deadly force. Some police officials and most minority community leaders believe that a police officer should use a firearm only in defense of a life (either that of the officer or of some other person) in immediate jeopardy (危險). Others think that existing state laws, many of which permit an officer to use any force necessary to arrest a suspected felon (重罪犯), should not be limited by local policies.
The patrol division (巡邏部門), consisting of uniformed patrol officers and supervisors, provides basic police services. In addition to foot and automobile patrol, officers engage in a variety of activities in response to citizens’ needs. The greater part of patrol today is carried out by officers in police cars assigned to specific beats(巡邏區域), or designated areas of the community. In small agencies, one-officer patrol cars are prevalent, while in larger cities, combinations of one- and two-officer cars are common. Use of women officers for patrol duty is increasing, which started from 1970. Recent research has cast doubts on the effectiveness of preventive patrol to curb (抑製) most kinds of crime. Crime prevention, however, also means activities related to improving the security of homes and businesses, and to educating citizens to protect themselves. Most large police departments maintain a crime prevention unit to provide these services.
After about 3,000.BC, one of the most complex creations of humankind appeared: the city. From this point forward, technology cannot be described only in terms of simple tools, agricultural advancements, and technical processes such as metallurgy (冶金術), because the city itself is a technological system. This is evident even in the first written symbols used to represent a city, which is a circle containing networks of lines that indicate transportation and communication systems. The emergence of the city made possible a surplus (過剩) of food and an abundance of material wealth, which in turn made possible the institution of holy kingship(王權) and the construction of temples, tombs, and citadels(城堡). The accumulation of precious metals, the acquisition of the power to build defensive walls, and the control of armies and priests ensured the ascendancy (權勢) of the king, who may be called the first urban technologist.
Urbanization stimulated a greater need for writing. The Egyptians improved on the clumsy clay tablet (粗陋的黏土平板) by manufacturing, from papyrus (紙莎草) plants, a paperlike material on which they wrote in hieroglyphs (象形文字). In addition, the city brought about a new division of labor which is called the caste system (等級製度). This structure provided security, status, and leisure for an intellectual class of scribes (抄寫員), doctors, teachers, engineers, magicians, and diviners (預言者). The greatest resources, however, were allotted to the military.
One of the most obvious changes industrialization brought to people’s lives was that large numbers of people moved into the urban areas where factories were located. Beginning in the early 18th century, people in rural areas were competing for fewer jobs. The rural population had risen sharply as new sources of food became available, and death rates declined due to fewer plagues (瘟疫) and wars. At the same time, many small farms disappeared. This was partly because new enclosure laws (圈地法) required farmers to put fences or hedges (籬笆) around their fields to prevent common grazing (放牧) on the land. Some small farmers who could not afford to enclose their fields had to sell their farms to larger landholders and search for work elsewhere.
The Industrial Revolution of the 19th and 20th centuries transformed urban life and gave people higher expectations for improving their standard of living. The increased number of jobs, along with technological innovations in transportation and housing construction, encouraged migration to cities. Development of railroads, streetcars (有軌電車), and trolleys (電車) in the 19th century enabled city boundaries to expand. People no longer had to live within walking distance of their jobs. With more choices about where to live, people tended to seek out neighbors of similar social status, if they could afford to do so. The wealthy no longer had to live in the center of the city, so they formed exclusive enclaves (獨立的區域) far from warehouses (倉庫) , factories, and docks (碼頭). Heavier industry clustered (聚集) along the rivers and rail lines that brought in raw materials and shipped out manufactured products. Railroads also allowed goods to be brought into downtown commercial districts. By the second half of the 19th century, specialized spaces, such as retail districts, office blocks, manufacturing districts, and residential areas, had characterized urban life.
New manufacturing towns and cities grew dramatically, many of which were close to the coalfields that supplied fuel to the factories. Factories had to be close to power sources because power could not be distributed very far. The names of British industrialized cities soon symbolized industrialization to the wider world: Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Sheffield, and especially Manchester. In the early 1770s Manchester had only 25,000.inhabitants. By 1850, after it had become the center of cotton manufacturing, its population had grown to more than 350,000.
The early United States was predominately (主要地) rural. According to the 1790.census (人口普查), 95.percent of the population lived in the countryside. The 5.percent of Americans living in urban areas (places with more than 2,500.persons) lived mostly in small villages. Only Philadelphia, New York, and Boston had more than 15,000.inhabitants. The South was almost completely rural. After 1830.the urban areas of the country grew more rapidly than the rural areas. By 1890.industrialization had achieved substantial growth in cities, and 35.percent of Americans lived in urban areas, mostly in the North. The South remained rural, except for New Orleans and a few smaller cities. The number of Americans living in cities did not surpass (超過) the number in rural areas until 1920. By the 1990s three out of four Americans lived in an urban setting, and since World War II the South has become increasingly urbanized, particularly in Texas, Arizona, and the states along the eastern seaboard.
Until the middle of the 19th century, the center of the city was the most fashionable place to live. Merchants, lawyers, and manufacturers built substantial (許多的)townhouses on the main thoroughfares (大道) within walking distance of the docks, warehouses, offices, courts, and shops where they worked. Poorer people lived in back alleys and courtyards of the central city. The middle classes lived a little farther from the center, and other poor people lived in the suburbs, farther from the economic and governmental centers and away from urban amenities (便利設施) such as town watches, water pumps (水泵), and garbage collection. Cities were densely populated, as people had to live within walking distance of work. Streets were narrow, just wide enough to accommodate pedestrians and wagons (四輪馬車).
The wealthy created separate neighborhoods for themselves by building mansions(公寓) on large plots(一塊土地) of land at the edges of the cities or in the countryside. Similar-looking single-family or multiple-family dwellings, built by speculators(投機商人), sprouted (迅速出現) on the edges of cities. These often catered to (滿足) a new middle class of white-collar employees in business and industry. The houses faced broader streets and increasingly had plots of grass in front and sometimes in the rear (後部). New apartments were spacious and often had balconies, porches (門廊), or other amenities.
As the middle classes left the bustle and smoke of cities, poorer people, usually newcomers from the countryside and immigrants, moved into the old housing stock. Landlords took advantage of the demand for housing by subdividing (再細分) city houses into apartments and by building low-rent apartments that were often poorly maintained and unsanitary (不衛生的). Immigrants lived in the cheap houses and found work in or near the center of cities or around factories.
The growth of cities outpaced (超越) the ability of local governments to extend clean water, garbage collection, and sewage systems into poorer areas, so conditions in cities deteriorated (惡化). Cities in the late 19th century were large, crowded, and impersonal places devoted to making money. Not surprisingly, corruption was rampant (猖獗的) in city governments and services, in the construction industry, and among landlords and employers. High rents, low wages, and poor services produced misery in the midst of unprecedented (空前的) economic growth.
Upward mobility, home ownership, educational opportunities, and cheap goods softened many of the disadvantages of 19th-century urban life. Beautification programs, electrification, and construction of libraries, parks, playgrounds, and swimming pools, gradually improved the quality of urban life in the 20th century, although poor areas received fewer benefits. Poverty, particularly among new arrivals, and low wages remained problems in the cities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. American reform movements, such as the settlement house movement, have typically focused on treating the negative effects of poverty such as housing, health, and corruption, instead of the causes of poverty, such as unemployment, underemployment (未充分就業), poor skills, and low wages. Labor unions helped raise wages and benefits for many workers, particularly the most skilled, from 1900.to 1950, but since then replacement of manufacturing work by service work has reduced both wage levels and the influence of labor unions.
Suburbs began to appear in the 18th century when wealthy people built houses in the country to escape the crowded, sweltering (悶熱的) city during the summer. As roads improved in the early part of the 19th century, more people built summer houses. A few began living outside the city full time and commuting by carriage to town. Commuting into the city to work became easier and cheaper in the late 19th century, when commuter railroad lines were built, radiating (呈輻射狀散發) out from the central city. New suburbs developed, which were almost entirely residential and depended on the economic resources of the central city. Because railroad fares (票價) were relatively high, most of these suburbs remained the preserve of the wealthiest Americans until World War II, although a few working-class suburbs sprang up around large manufacturing cities or ports.
Suburbanites(郊區居民) were similar in many ways. Married couples were generally just starting their families. Women were housewives, and husbands commuted to jobs in the city. Families valued privacy and were separated from other relatives, who either remained in the city or lived elsewhere. It was both comfortable and isolating. The family was often on its own, knowing few neighbors, watching television in the evening, driving private cars to shopping centers. Some people living in these new suburbs depended on rail lines to get to work, although more took advantage of the automobile as a form of transport. The federal government contributed to suburbanization by subsidizing mortgages for veterans and building highways that made travel between cities and suburbs easier.
As the suburbs grew, more and more of the middle classes abandoned the cities. The suburbs were attractive for many reasons. They were cleaner, newer, socially homogeneous (同質的), had better-funded schools, and provided a sense of security. They provided what city dwellers had long been seeking—bigger yards and more privacy. The perceived problems of the city such as crowding, high taxes, crime, and poverty, could be left behind. Since the suburbs were politically independent of the core city, the layers (階層) of bureaucracy (官僚) and corruption could be replaced by smaller, friendlier, and presumably more honest government.
Once the population shifted to the suburbs, employers eventually followed, though more slowly than residents. Increased traffic congestion(堵塞) in the city centers, the benefits of lower corporate taxes, and less crime in the suburbs, eventually pushed corporations out to the suburbs as well. It brought jobs closer to the suburban areas where many workers lived. Warehouses, light industry, and other businesses were increasingly located in the suburbs. However, these new locations were poorly served by public transportation, and workers had to commute by car. This trend appeared as early as the 1950s and 1960s in the rapidly growing metropolitan areas like Los Angeles and Dallas and later in the older large cities of the Northeast and Midwest.
Suburbanization has not affected all aspects of American life. Some functions have largely remained in the central cities, including government bureaus, courts, universities, research hospitals, theaters, and arts groups. Trendy shopping, fine restaurants, and nightlife, which expanded in the booming economy at the end of the 20th century, have become popular in many cities, revitalizing (複興) a few urban neighborhoods.
The peace and security that suburbanites originally sought became more elusive(難以捕捉的) near the end of the 20th century, and the trend toward gated and walled housing was the most visible sign of anxiety about external threats. The next major trend may be a movement out of large cities and suburbs and into small towns and the countryside as Americans try to avoid commuting and seek more leisure time and a stronger sense of community. New information technologies such as e-mail and computer networking will probably contribute to the dispersal (分散) of the population, although a sharp and sustained rise in gasoline (汽油) prices could reverse current trends by making the private automobile and long-distance commuting too expensive.
Illiteracy poses a fundamental challenge for developing nations. Extensive literacy campaigns by international agencies such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and other public and private organizations have raised literacy rates worldwide. According to UNESCO, literacy rates increased from about 60.percent of the world’s population in 1970.to 77.4.percent in 1995. However, due to the rapid increase of the world’s overall population, the number of illiterate people has also grown. What’s worse is that millions of adults worldwide do not have basic reading and writing skills. The problem is particularly acute (尖銳的) in sub-Saharan Africa, Southern Asia, and the Middle East, areas where literacy rates averaged below 60.percent in 1995. UNESCO has shown that illiteracy accompanies poverty, low life expectancy, political oppression, and underdevelopment. In areas where such conditions occur, literacy rates are even lower among women and minority groups.
Political leaders worldwide have accepted principles to help all people achieve literacy. As a result, educational institutions have dramatically increased literacy campaigns for both adults and children. These campaigns receive widespread public support since literacy is viewed as a fundamental human right and a prerequisite (先決條件) for modern development and democracy. Literacy campaigns have mandated (要求)compulsory education for children as the basic method to combat illiteracy in developing nations, but educational programs for adults have also been effective.